Tuesday, January 24, 2017

review: max studio eyeshadow (barely nude palette)

I have this weird tradition. Every year, I buy myself something small to open up on Christmas Eve. It is always an eyeshadow palette of some sort (typically from the drugstore) which will be used to create my makeup look for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. It might seem silly, but for me, it just adds to the excitement of my two favourite days. This year? I picked up the Max Studio Eyeshadow - Barely Nude Palette during a pre-holiday shopping trip. It was $10 and caught my eye thanks to all of that shimmer. Finally....I am writing about it. Now that the holidays have wound down, I am starting to catch up on some reviews. So stayed turned for lots of those!

As for the Max Studio palette, it immediately stood out to me. Even though the packaging is quite simple. It is sleek, black, and basic (and has a habit of picking up fingerprints). Despite the so-so exterior....the shades on the inside were too beautiful to ignore. There are a whopping 28 shades, and for the most part, they look just like they do in the pan. Each shade is ultra shimmery and has a smooth buttery texture. All of the shimmer (there are no matte shades here) makes this palette a must have for the winter months. I absolutely love the way these look, the texture, and the staying power.

Take a peek at the shades below! As you can see there are creams, browns, rust colours, metallic shadows, and more.

Yes, the shadows are lovely. The only complaint I have about this palette is the lack of versatility. There isn't a ton of shade difference (at least not a significant difference) between the lighter shades. So while all of the shadows are pretty....you cannot create a lot of looks using them. If they had thrown a few deeper shades into the mix or cut out some of those super light shades? The palette would have benefited significantly.

So, how do the eyeshadow shades look on the skin? This is the makeup look I created for Christmas Eve using the Max Studio Eyeshadow Barely Nude Palette. 

What do you think of this makeup look? Have you tried anything from Max Studio?

xo Shannon


  1. Great colours
    Allso www.tembelprenses.blogspot.com.tr

  2. So so pretty! Loving the pearly metallics! I'm a total MAC user myself so I've never tried this brand...looks great!

    Thank you for visiting babe, hope to see you back soon to check out Part II of my wedding album!

    Xx- Julie | Haute Khuuture Blog

  3. such a beautiful flawless skin, however love the eyeshadows.
    Please checkout my latest post

  4. Nice look http://bysinkj.blogspot.com/

  5. Beautiful palette and great make up:)


  6. You look so fresh and pretty babe, wish I too could be so good at eye-makeup !!
    New post - http://www.sapphireziva.com/2017/01/wardrobe-for-europe.html

    I just followed your blog, hope you follow back too.

    have a great weekend !!
    xo, kanchan

  7. Very cute nude Eye Make up :)


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