Saturday, March 4, 2017

current obsession: metallic everything

Sometimes? Inspiration unexpectedly takes over. That is exactly what happened when I saw the dress Paris Hilton wore to accept her award for Best Fragrance of the Year (for Gold Rush, which I reviewed recently). It was so glittery, shimmery, and bold. Her accessories were equally exciting....from the chunky metallic earrings to that textured silver purse and those chrome heels. There was nothing simple or understated about this look! 

Since she stepped out in a full blown metallic ensemble, my makeup and fashion choices have been metallic, metallic, and more metallic. I've been reaching for silver, gold, and rose gold at every available opportunity. I've been creating collages, grabbing my Hard Candy metallic lipsticks, incorporating glitter into my makeup looks, and looking for ultra shimmery nail polish shades. There is nothing more exciting to me at the moment. 

On that note, here is a dose of metallic inspiration for you to enjoy. Let it bring you joy and inspire your next outfit. Oh, and be sure to let me know which piece (or beauty product) below you love most! 

Inspiration always starts somewhere. For me, it all began with Paris Hilton's incredible red carpet dress. The head to toe shimmery silver started a full blown metallic obsession.

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 

What is your current obsession? Do you love wearing metallic pieces?

xo Shannon


  1. I'm a big fan of everything metallic as well (which explains the name of my blog hehe, as I'm obsessed with metallics and pastels, especially the two combined!). Thank you for sharing this very inspirational post!
    XO IMKE | Pastellics

  2. Metallics are indeed very pretty and they can really look dressy, makes your look dressy with minimal effort!

    Madame X
    The Flower Duet

  3. I love the lipstick, even though I don't believe I'd wear something like that.
    The nail polish is so pretty. I had one similar some time ago.

    Experiências e Constatações

  4. Great selección!!!!!happy Sunday!

  5. Wonderfoul the metallic!!!! I love the golde rose metallic colour!
    Kiss baby!

  6. I don't had any metallic outfit, but I do think metallic colour is gorgeous! :)
    thannks for sharing this post ^^


  7. Really love all about metallic!

  8. So sparkling, I love metallic textures!
    Kisses, Paola.


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