Sunday, March 26, 2017

happiness is believing in unicorns.

Have you ever had one of those days? Your to do list is endless, there are a million things on your mind, and yet you feel completely and totally out of it? That happened to me recently. Even though there were things I could be doing (like editing YouTube videos, working on articles, or catching up on cleaning/organizing)....I sat around doing nothing at all. My mind was unfocused and my energy was non-existent. Begrudgingly, I pulled out my laptop. Maybe there was a new video to watch. Or some celebrity gossip to catch up on. Before I knew it, I was creating a unicorn inspired outfit. That's right. Unicorn fashion.

This trend is one that always makes me smile. As does the emoji trend. There is something so whimsical and fun about the bright colours and shapes. It takes me back to my youth, for sure! With winter on the way out (despite the fact that it keeps snowing and the temperatures are below freezing....I am optimistic about the return of spring), bright, pretty colours are at the forefront of my mind. Which you can definitely tell by the outfit that I whipped up.

Be sure to take a look and let me know what you think of this unicorn inspired ensemble.

As you can see, this look is all about colour. There are pastel shades, glitter, and bold accessories. I cannot think of anything better! Especially with spring right around the corner. Want to create your own unicorn inspired outfit? Get playful with makeup colours (and don't be afraid of a statement lipstick), wear lots and lots of glitter, and embrace softer shades. You will look amazing!

By the time I finished putting together this little unicorn mood dramatically improved. That blah feeling had faded - and I felt focused and optimistic. It's amazing what makeup and fashion can do. They are constant sources of inspiration, joy, and excitement. On that note, I hope you enjoyed this unicorn inspired look.

What inspires you? Do you like the unicorn trend?

xo Shannon


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