Wednesday, March 8, 2017

madonna week: love it or leave it

Welcome to another Madonna week post! This has definitely been a lot of fun to do so far. Please let me know if you like the idea of a theme week. If you guys are into it, I will do them every now and again with a fashion or beauty icon that inspires me. For is a fun Madonna themed post. It is a love or or leave it? featuring her outfit from the "Bitch I'm Madonna" music video. Let me just say, I adore this song and the video is super fun and high energy. It also features yet another bold outfit for Madonna to add to her extensive resume.

What I Love: I'll be honest here....this outfit makes me happy. I won't lie to you and pretend to be a sophisticated, glamorous kind of person. I like clothes that have personality. This outfit absolutely has personality. The pink studded leather jacket is incredible and I desperately wish it was hanging in my closet right now. The white leopard print dress is gorgeous and I love that there is a belt to break up the print a little bit. Something else I love? Those shoes! You can see in the mirror reflection that she has paired this look with sneakers. Talk about perfect! This look is edgy, bold, and fun. Which is exactly what fashion should be.

What I Loathe: There isn't anything here that I flat out cannot stand....but there is always room for improvement! The only thing that doesn't work for me is the hair. While on it's own, the pink ombre is really cool, the colour blends into the pink leather jacket. It becomes a mess of pink and overshadows the details on the jacket. Other than that? This outfit is everything I love. Exciting, fun, and borderline tacky.

Overall, this is a definite love for me. I know that I will likely be in the minority on this (because pink leather, studs, and leopard print are rarely praised) but this is everything I love about style. It is exciting and has a distinct point of view. This is something I hope to achieve with my everyday looks. One thing is certain: I will be taking a page from Madonna's book this week!

On another note....don't forget to check out my latest YouTube video! It is all about the Too Faced Power of Makeup palette.

What do you think of this look? Love it or leave it?

xo Shannon


  1. nice post

  2. On anyone else, I'd say leave it. But it's MADONNA! If she wasn't rocking studs, hot pink and animal print, I'd be obsessed. Love it!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  3. ;D

    Eu gostei do look! E amei!

    Ótima quinta!

    Beijo! ^^

  4. great entry, I love your blog !!! happy day!!!

  5. Lovely post, love your video showing the power of makeup!


  6. i love this look on her.That a statement jacket for sure


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