Thursday, March 30, 2017

YouTube: Almay Healthy Glow Foundation Review

With an upcoming trip to Las Vegas, one thing has been on my mind: a tan. I avoid tanning in the sun as much as possible (because skin cancer is bad. Oh, and I burn like a crisp) so fake tanner is an essential part of my spring and summer routine. My go-to products are always ready during this time of year....but I was intrigued by the Almay Healthy Glow Makeup & Gradual Self Tan Foundation.

It seemed like an effortless way to warm up my skin before my getaway. And not nearly as laborious as a full blown tanning routine! As long as I ended up with gorgeous glowing skin, I would be more than happy with the product. If only that happened. This did not meet my expectations whatsoever.

Want to find out why? See how it performed? Then take a look at the latest YouTube video on Mansa Fashion. It is a full review of the Almay Healthy Glow Foundation.

I really wanted this product to be my go-to summer foundation. Sadly, it did not deliver on most of the claims. My skin was not tanned. At all. If it didn't say "gradual tanner" on the front of the bottle, I never would have known it was supposed to be anything more than a standard foundation. This was a letdown for sure. And a pricey one at that!

Have you tried this product? Did it work for you?

xo Shannon


  1. Oh no, bummer this didn't work out for you! I'm a big fan of the Jergens gradual tan or the L'Oreal tan towelettes :)
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  2. thanks for your review, babe! never tried this product.

    The White Ocean

  3. it has some really good products.
    Have a good weekend

  4. Thanks for your honest review darling!
    Kisses, Paola.

  5. I don't know that brand but i hope at least it works good as a normal foundation so the money you gave wouldn't be a total waste:(

    Great post Shannon! You can share your posts in my GFC group named "makeup blogs" here is the link!
    Stay connected:)

  6. Looks great! Nice post :-)



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