Thursday, April 13, 2017

4 strategies to save money this spring.

Money is on my mind. As wonderful as my trip to Vegas was....the costs really added up. Between that sunny getaway, my rent being increased (yet again), and an upcoming vacation with the family this summer, finding ways to save is essential. Though I've improved when it comes to spending (my shopping habit is occasional as opposed to an everyday occurrence) there is always more that I can do to save, save, save.

If you're looking to save some cash this spring, be sure to give these four strategies a try!

Take a Good Look at Your Wardrobe. If you're anything like me, your closet is pretty full. Do you remember everything that is in there? Probably not. That's okay! This is your chance to go through it all. Find some re-discovered favourites or a few pieces you haven't worn yet. They'll be the perfect way to mix up your wardrobe without spending money. See things you don't want anymore? Donate them and check spring cleaning off your to-do list.

Spend Some Time Outdoors. There are so many amazing things about spring. The weather is beautiful and everything is in bloom. Use that to your advantage! Instead of going to the mall or the movies (or another costly activity), take a walk, go to the park, or plan a picnic. There may even be free outdoor activities going on in your city or town. Take a look and find out. You never know....there might be something super exciting happening.

Keep Track of Unnecessary Spending. We all have areas where we can cut back. Maybe you have the deluxe cable package, a bunch of extras on your phone, or a serious weakness for Starbucks. Start paying attention to those unnecessary extras and aim to cut out (or cut down) at least one or two of them. Try this for a month and see what happens. A few minor adjustments to your life can help you save big this spring.

Participate in Project Pan. For me, hitting pan on an eyeshadow or powder project is terrifying. I don't want to be without it! I can't stand to say goodbye! And so I buy more and more makeup without really using up what I have. Not this season. Instead of buying more eyeshadow, my goal is to hit pan on a couple of palettes. Choose three or four from your collection and participate in the challenge with me. It'll help you save, I could really use the moral support!

Take small steps to save money this spring. And be sure to share your own suggestions in the comment section below!

How will you save money this season?

xo Shannon


  1. Love to read you!!

  2. I so need to save $$$$ too for the summer, but am failing big time at the moment....sigh....thanks for this post. Great reminder:D

  3. Great tips! As weather gets warmer I don't want to spend money on clothes and makeup:) All i want is to go outside:)

  4. Great tips dear.I love tip number one,its so practical like me i have pieces in my wardrobe that i havent worn in years

  5. I definitely need to use these tips! Throwing a wedding makes you broke! I have to go through my closet too and get ride of things I never wear anymore.

  6. Nice tips dear Shannon! I think I might overspend with the reminders. LOL :) I always love this season's style :)

    ♥ Chai Chen ♥ @chenmeicai

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