Saturday, April 1, 2017

adventures are the best way to learn.

Ahh, travel. Is there anything better? If you have been reading my blog for a while, then you know all too well how much I love to see the world. Though I can't necessarily go everywhere I want to - or travel as often as I'd like - it is something I prioritize in my life. This summer, I have a big family trip to look forward to. And right now? I am about to jet off to sunny Las Vegas. Given the cool temperatures where I live.....this is a welcome change of pace.

My husband and I are spending five days checking out concerts (Britney Spears and Donny & Marie for me), letting loose, and seeing the sights with two of our friends. Though I've been to Vegas many times before, it is the first time for the rest of the group. Fingers crossed they love it there as much as I do!

Since I will be working on my tan for the next little while, I am taking a mini blogging break. Expect to hear from me in a week or so! I hope to return with lots of exciting stories.

Speaking of travel! I recently reviewed the Makeup Artist Palette from Avon over on my YouTube channel. It is seriously incredible for travelling with. Find out why by checking out the video for yourself...

Do you love to travel? When is your next getaway?

xo Shannon


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm so jealous, have the best time:)

    Aesthetic Lounge

  2. Have a great time dear :)

  3. Nice post!
    Would you like to follow each other? Follow me on Blog GFC and I'll follow you back!

  4. That palette looks so pretty and glittery. Enjoy your time away!

  5. Enjoy Vegas and your blogging break, Brittany sounds amazing!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  6. Wish I could travel as much as you!
    BTW, i follow for follow via GFC, Bloglovin and network blogs. Tell me if interested! ^_^

  7. Indeed, travel gives us the memories and experience to cherish in this lifetime! And more experiences with makeup is definitely an added bonus hehe :) Love that palette! I wish I have more hehe. I only have one now.

    ♥ Chai Chen ♥ @chenmeicai

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  8. Yass!! I adore traveling, I've learned so much doing it! It's surely a lifetime experience ♥ Don't you love blogging breaks? They're so satisfying! You come back full of new ideas and so energetic to continue growing and improving!! Enjoy Las Vegas and blogging break of course!

  9. Great post! Have a lovely Day! 🌻🌻🌻


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