Thursday, April 20, 2017

the vegas diaries: part two

Here it is....part two of my Las Vegas vacation post. Keep reading to find out how the Britney Spears concert went (pictured above) along with the rest of the fabulous getaway.

Day Three (continued): As I mentioned in my last post, it was a busy day leading up to the Britney concert. I was exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel, but it was time to get glam! I curled my hair, threw on a studded denim dress, and went with a dark blue smokey eye look. It was a lot of fun to get all dolled up for the show. When we got to the theatre, we sat in our seats and waited. (Though the show was supposed to start at nine, it didn't start until nine thirty. So there was a decent amount of waiting.) Sadly, our seats were pretty much at the back of the theatre and our view was less than ideal. In fact, I couldn't see much. Sigh! Despite the poor view....Britney Spears was incredible. She put on a great show, her dancing was fantastic, and her costumes were beautiful.

Day Four: The next day was another exciting one. We had booked spots on the Pawn Stars Tour - a dedicated TV show tour. It took us to the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop, the Toy Shack, (Pawn Stars), ATM (Tanked). Rick's Restorations (American Restoration). and Count's Customs (Counting Cars). My husband and I love to watch Pawn Stars and American Restoration together so these were really exciting stops. We had a blast checking out the stores, learning new things, and even meeting some of the stars from the show. The highlight? Shaking hands and taking a picture with Rick from Rick's Restorations. It was a total surprise and we were all thrilled.

After that, we went to Gordon Ramsay's Burger restaurant. We are all huge fans of Gordon, so everyone was eager to try something from one of his restaurants. One thing to know about me? I love ketchup. I need ketchup. Gordon Ramsay's Burger does not have ketchup. None. At all. I was so upset because it basically meant I couldn't eat my meal. Which I didn't. I had a quarter of the burger and a handful of fries. Such a waste of time and money. Sigh. Everyone else liked it fine, since they all enjoy hot sauces. (A Tabasco sauce of sorts was available. Joy.)

Once that was over, we walked over to Gordon's other restaurant, Steak. My husband managed to score a signed menu for free....even though it was supposed to be $65. I have literally never seen him that happy in my entire life. Definitely a trip highlight, just seeing him so happy. We hit a lucky streak the rest of the night, winning $20 on the slots, and taking home $20 worth of Hershey cookies for $1.08.

Day Five: Well, all good things must come to an end. Sadly, this was the last day of our vacation. It was a lot shorter than I would have liked, that is for sure! But we made the most of our last day there by checking out the gardens inside the Wynn, going to Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, picking up last minute souvenirs, and heading to another one of Gordon Ramsay's restaurants to explore! The wax museum in particular was a lot of fun. We took so many silly pictures. Hundreds of them, in fact. It was one of the best parts of the whole trip.

Then, we had our last meal in Vegas at a pizza place near the hotel, picked up our luggage, and headed to the airport for a very late flight. It didn't leave until almost midnight. Thanks to the awful flight home (horrific turbulence that was so scary, I was literally shaking and crying), none of us got much sleep. By the time we finally were safe and sound in the apartment....we zonked out for most of the day. It took a few days for my sleep schedule to adjust!

Overall, it was a really fun vacation. It was so great to get away for a while. I got to take a break from work, see musicians that I love, and spend time with some special people. Vegas never disappoints. So there it is! My vacation recap....

Do you like to travel? Have you ever been to Las Vegas?

xo Shannon


  1. Seems like you had fun my dear Shannon! Oh I would've loved to see Britney perform as well. I love her. I also wanna travel. I haven't been to Vegas but one day, hopefully!

    ♥ Chai Chen ♥ @chenmeicai

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  2. Noah that's so awesome! I'm hopefully going to Vegas in the near future because I have some friends out that way! The concert sounds so cool, too bad about the seats though. I can't believe your husband got a signed GR menu!

  3. Love Vegas! Always something fun to do here with all the entertainment shows on the Strip. The "Peace of Me" is one of my favorite!

  4. I never been in the Vegas but all your trip sounds amazing


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