Friday, May 26, 2017

Short on Time? Pamper Yourself In 10 Minutes or Less

Every magazine article goes on and on about the importance of spoiling yourself. They list spa days, massages, lunch with friends, and a million other time consuming activities. What about the days when you have a crazy busy schedule? Should you give up on that oh-so-important you time? Of course not. Here are a few fabulous activities for the busy gal who needs a break...

Get Your Heart Pumping. Okay, working out might not seem like an ultra pampering experience, but it is a great way to get moving, nurture your body, and boost your self confidence. While a sweat session at the gym may not fit into your schedule, a five to ten minute workout will. There are tons of great options, from this HIIT routine on YouTube to the new Jena Hughenian Michaels 10 Minute Body Transformation DVD LINK. Take your pick!

Show Your Skin Some Love. Sometimes, your skincare routine feels complicated and time consuming. But it doesn't have to be. There are plenty of ways to pamper your skin on a tight schedule. Try popping on a Biore pore strip (this can be worn while you work or get other tasks done), a full face mask (usually these stay on for about ten minutes), or a quick and easy peel off treatment. Give your skin a little something special.

Take Time to Go Zen. Meditation has a number of positive health benefits (including reducing stress levels, helping you connect, and boosting feelings of happiness). So, take time for a five minute meditation. There are apps to help with the process and guided meditations on YouTube. Another option is to simply sit in silence for a few minutes to rest and rejuvenate your mind.

Make Your Hands a Priority. Really short on time? Not to worry. There is a super quick way to give yourself a little TLC. Put on a summer scented hand lotion. Wait a minute for it to absorb completely and then continue on with your day. The scent will instantly transport your mind to that blissful state of vacation mode. A quick spritz of body spray or perfume can work wonders, too.

Everyone needs a little time to rest, relax, and pamper themselves. So, give one of these time-effective tricks a try. You'll feel better in no time.

Share your own suggestions in the comment section below!

xo Shannon


  1. I love to use Freeman masks. :)
    Amazing products.

    Kathy's delight I Instagram I Facebook

  2. Nice post

  3. This is so incredibly helpful. I am constantly adding more things to my to do list so I always feel like there is never enough time to pamper. Thanks for the tips!

  4. thanks for sharing

    New post


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