Thursday, June 1, 2017

the benefits of grapeseed oil for skin.

Skin care has become a major focus for me over the last couple of months. Why? I started to notice changes in the way my skin looked. It was dull and lifeless. Breakouts were becoming more and more common. And I started to worry about signs of aging. Taking better care of my skin has been on my to-do list for the last four or five years....yet something always stopped me from doing it. Laziness is honestly the biggest reason. Once it gets close to my bedtime, I am exhausted. Working multiple jobs and trying to juggle all of my other responsibilities can be draining. Because of that, my skin care routine suffered dramatically.

Finally, I made the decision to get off my butt and make my skin a priority, As of right now, my routine is fairly simple. Neutrogena face wash, Clinique or St Ives moisturizer, No7 Early Defense Eye Cream, and grapeseed oil. Basically, I've been taking my makeup off before bed (a big step for me), wash, moisturize my face, and apply an under eye cream. Then there is the grapeseed oil. This is something that has been sitting on my shelf of products for ages. For whatever reason, I never thought to reach for it. Then it caught my eye, so I began to do a little research.

The Benefits of Grapeseed Oil for Skin: 
  • This type of oil is great for the skin because it is non-comedogenic, which means it does not clog your pores or cause breakouts.
  • Adds moisture to the skin and locks it in (which is great for someone with dry skin, like me). 
  • Has been found to tighten the skin and treat acne and acne-related scars.
  • Fights dark under eye circles and fights noticeable signs of aging. 
Needless to say, I was pretty excited to find out this little bottle that had been sitting on my shelf, could actually make a difference in the look and feel of my skin. For the last month and a half, I have been using it along with this YouTube video, "Anti Aging Facial Massage," to give my skin a healthier, more radiant, and glowing appearance. So far....I am impressed. The lines on my forehead (which have always made me really self-conscious) are less noticeable, my breakouts have lessened, and my skin feels a million times better. I hope to continue this skin care routine....and will be sure to write an update post in a few months!

Speaking of updates...a new YouTube video is up on my channel. This is my O-Town concert vlog so I hope you all like it. Be sure to check it out, like, comment, and subscribe!

Have you used grapeseed oil on your skin?

xo Shannon


  1. I'm gonna have to try this Shannon! I've been struggling with serious adult acne for two years now and wrinkles have made a permanent place on my face (yay aging!). I'm all about natural skincare, so I will definitely give this a try! :)

  2. Que maximo amei a postagem, bom final de semana, obrigado pela visita.

  3. I really like you :)
    Happy weekend!

    Can you follow me? I follow you :)
    If you comment my post, I will comment your five posts! :)

  4. Very interesting post! Have a lovely Day! 😘😘😘


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