Saturday, June 24, 2017

the summer tag.

It's here! Summer has officially arrived....and I couldn't be more thrilled. While there are many things that I love about spring (like the flowers in bloom and super cute daytime dresses), summer is undeniably addicting. It is all about having fun and making memories. My summer certainly got off to a good start. As you know if you have been reading my blog lately, I have been doing a bit of travelling. My family and I went on a massive road trip to Florida. We made a few stops along the way and tackled some of the most popular theme parks in the world. Not a bad way to kick things off!

In honour of the summer season (and while I get back into the swing of things now that my two and a half week vacation has come to an end), I decided to do the Makeup Geek Summer Tag from a few years back. I stumbled upon this randomly and thought...what the heck! So, here it is.

What is your favourite summer nail polish? There isn't one specific shade that comes to mind, but generally, I am all about bright colours in the summertime. I like neon orange and pinky corals.

What is your favourite lip colour this summer? What a tough question! Honestly, my favourite so far this summer has to be Khlo$ from Kylie Cosmetics. The shade is a beautiful peachy nude - and I am all about peach-toned lip colours during the warmer months.

Describe your favourite summer dress. I have this long black maxi dress with purple flowers all over it. The dress is strapless and has ruffles along the neckline and the bottom of the dress. Every time I wear it....I feel amazing!

What is your favourite summer accessory? My Michael Kors sunglasses! I have a huge sunglasses collection but those are the ones that I reach for most often. The frames are large and they have the signature MK logo on the sides. Perfection!

What summer trends are you most excited about this year? Honestly, the lace up trend is everything right now. I am loving all of the creative ways designers are incorporating that detail into their pieces.

What is your favourite summer candle? I have this amazing one called Fresh Peach that I light all the time during the summer months. Anything peach is my go-to!

What is your favourite body spray and perfume? My favourite body spray is "Beach Nights" from Leyland & Body Works and my favourite summer perfume is Maui Fantasy from Britney Spears.

What is the weather like where you live in the summer? It can be pretty hot and humid....or it can rain like crazy. There is really no consistency. It varies so much from summer to summer.

What is your favourite thing about the summer? There is this beautiful excitement in the air. Even everyday activities feel more exciting, thanks to all of that sunshine! Plus, everyone just seems to be in a better mood or looking forward to something.

What are your plans for summer vacation? Well, my major summer activity has already come and gone (my trip to Florida) so the rest of the summer will likely be spent working, writing, organizing, and doing fun things with family and friends.

There you have it! My answers for the Makeup Geek summer tag. If you haven't done this one sure to add it to your to-do list.

Something else I love about summer? Getting creative with colour. Which is one of the things that inspired my Colourful Gothic Makeup Tutorial for my YouTube channel. Take a look and find out how you can create the look for yourself....

What do you have planned this summer?

xo Shannon


  1. I think my favorite Summer trend is going to be the off-the-shoulder look that I'm seeing all over the place. I bought a bunch of off-the-shoulder dresses in Italy and I'm excited to rock them here! Also, I'll have to try Britney's perfume - I love new scents.


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