Sunday, July 30, 2017

celebrating 100 videos on YouTube.

It kind of snuck up on me. While uploading my latest YouTube video, I realized that I had hit a major milestone. 100 videos. That's Current Favourites video for the month of July turned out to be my 100th video on Mansa Fashion. What a crazy thought! Over the last couple of years, I have been filming, editing, and uploading videos related to makeup and fashion. Some were reviews, others tags, collection videos, and tutorials. And honestly, it has been a ton of fun to do.

The first time I tried to film a video, I was shaking from head to toe. I was so nervous. Now? I find myself eagerly looking forward to my filming days. They are so much fun - and such an amazing creative outlet. Starting my channel was one of the best things I have done. So, today I simply wanted to stop and recognize this mini-achievement. 100 videos. Amazing!

I also wanted to show you the makeup look I wore in the video. A few days before filming, I had this idea to create a mermaid kind of look. I wound up braiding my hair (to achieve super mermaid inspired waves) and adding in sparkly hair accessories for a little bit of bling. Then I created a turquoise makeup look and paired it with a simple nude lip for just the right amount of contrast. Here is a closer look at the finished product....

It was a fun look to put together - and a really fun video to film. I had no idea when I wound up filming it that it would end up being my 100th YouTube video. So, that was definitely a nice surprise. If you haven't seen it yet, please check out my Current Favourites video below. And don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe!

What are your current favourites?

xo Shannon


  1. ;D

    Parabéns pelos 100 vídeos no Youtube!

    Ótimo domingo!

    Beijo! ^^

  2. nice post

  3. well done for making so many videos¬

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC? ^^^
    Michelle | MishCheungX - UK Beauty and Fashion Blog

  4. great post!♥ I follow you,please follow me back and thanks!♥

  5. Congratulations! This is a huge milestone. Keep making awesome videos!

  6. Thats great !!! I am following you via gfc could you please follow back 😊

  7. wow! 100 video is definitely a milestone. Love your video btw

    Inside and Outside Blog

  8. Great! Congrats on that 100 videos.

    I followed u, hope u will follow back

  9. Congratulations for the 100 videos on Youtube, I started a few weeks ago uploading new videos, I had my channel on stand by, just like you can see my nervous voice in the first videos, I guess I'll improve little by little, I follow youtube And G +! If you want to follow me too! Kisses

  10. Great post just as your all blog. I think that you are an awesome blogger, and I wish you luck in future! Kisses :* If you want, look my blog and follow me if you like it. <3

  11. congratulations!

    would you like to follow each other via GFC? let me know on my blog:)

  12. Thats great
    Follow for follow?

  13. Congrats, I admire you for your video activity. I don't usually have much time to follow videos but I am gonna check all yours, hon =) Kisses

    Fashion and Cookies - fashion and beauty blog


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