Friday, July 28, 2017

music week: katy perry inspired makeup (witness)

New music. Few words are as exhilarating and terrifying. Especially when it relates to an artists you really love, admire, and respect. Will it be amazing? Become the latest soundtrack to your life? Or will it fail to inspire? Let you down? It is always a toss up. When Katy Perry (finally) released her follow up to Prism, I was pumped. And then, not so pumped.

Reviews of the album were mixed and there was a ton of controversy about her collaboration with Migos. By the time I actually popped the CD into my boombox (yes, I am old school and listen to actual CDs), I was a little hesitant. Turns out, there was no need to be. Witness is a solid album from start to finish. Each song is relate able, enjoyable, and thought-provoking.

Love her or hate her, Katy Perry is a pop music icon. Today, to finish off music week here on Mansa Fashion. I decided to re-create the following look (seen below) from her album photo shoot. It was bold, totally 80s inspired, colourful, and creative. The moment I saw this picture, I simply knew that I needed to try to make it my own.

  • Create The Look: I started by applying my foundation. To make the skin appear more ghost-like and washed out (like in the picture), I applied a brightening powder all over the skin to set my normal foundation. This brightened up the appearance of the skin without making it look ultra white and unnatural, like it is in the original photo. 
  • Next, I started on the eyebrows. This was the scariest - and most exciting - part. Since they extend past the natural end an into the hairline, I used a dark brow pencil to create the shape before blending out the edge with a fluffy shadow brush.
  • On the eyelids, I blended maroon and purple eyeshadows and brought the purple out into a dramatic wing. I took a red eyeshadow and applied that underneath the purple wing and blended it all out. (The key to this look is blending! Blend, blend, and blend some more.) Then I added a pop of yellow underneath the start of the brows for that extra pop of colour.
  • I added on lots and lots of black eyeliner and tons of mascara to make this look smokey and over the top, just like the original. 
  • Then it was time to finish it all off with the lips. I chose the brightest, cherry red lipstick in my collection and added a gloss over top for a more dramatic finish. 
So, without further ado, here is my version of the Katy Perry Witness makeup look. It didn't turn out exactly as I hoped, but it was a lot of fun to do. Be sure to let me know what you think of it....

What do you think of this makeup look? Do you like the new Katy Perry album?

xo Shannon


  1. Lovely post dear ♥
    I'm following you #1359, would you like to follow me back, I would be glad? :)
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  2. Love your makeup! =)

  3. what a nice post :)
    happy Sunday :)

  4. OMG! You look beautiful ^^ and love your makeup so much. Btw, I’m inviting you to join my giveaway, you can win Kawaii Surprise Mix Bags . If you want to support each other by follow on GFC, Let me know you follow me! I'll follow back asap! ^^

    Love xx
    Official Seol ♥ || GIVEAWAY

    1. Thank you ^^ Follow you back #1364 is mine, Let's keep in touch~

  5. Cool makeup skills you have!
    Followed you on GFC hope you can follow back. thanks!
    Almari Writes. ❤

  6. Nice foto

  7. Not a fan of Katty but you totally nailed the look!

    Inside and Outside Blog


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