Wednesday, July 12, 2017

there is a shade of red for every woman.

The day after my vacation ended, my throat felt scratchy. The next day, it was worse. Before I knew it, my nose was running, I had a non-stop cough, and felt absolutely exhausted. It was not a great welcome home. Unfortunately, every member of my family came down with the same thing. To a varying degree. After days and days of not doing much, of struggling through work, and generally feeling terrible....I decided to do my makeup. Not for any reason. Just to do it.

It was Canada Day and my husband was at work. So, I forced myself to get out of bed, bake some cookies, and play around with some red and white inspired makeup. It felt good. But, it also felt exhausting. I ended up having a very long nap afterwards! Today, I thought I would share with you the first proper makeup look I have done in a little while. It is a colourful eye (red, white, and glitter), a red lip, and lots of highlight. Take a look.....

This was definitely meant to be a Canada Day glam kind of thing! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Simple, glitzy, and easy to wear. So, how did I create it? Here are the products used:

  • Eye Shadow palette (this is an unnamed eyeshadow palette that a friend gave me. Not sure what brand it's from, but it is fantastic! I used the blush on the eyes to create the red, a warm orange to blend through the crease, and a shimmery white on the inner corner. I also used the bronze-toned blush on the cheeks.)
  • OFRA Eyebrow pencil (this was run quickly through the brows for a natural but polished look.)
  • Avon Always on Point eyeliner (this is an amazing eyeliner, because it always stays sharp, making it quick and easy to create a winged effect.)
  • Cover Girl The Super Sizer mascara (by far my favourite mascara ever. It replaced my former favourites from Dior and Benefit.)
  • NYX Face and Body glitter (oh my gosh, this glitter is amazing! It is subtle, pretty, and very finely milled.)
  • NARS Silver Factory Illuminator and Gerard Cosmetics Star Powders (these highlights were layered together for a more intense effect. Why? I've been watching a lot of Drag Race, and Farrah Moan has the best highlight ever.)
  • Kat Von D Liquid Lipstick in Santa Sangre (a bright, bold red lip, and a liquid lipstick with great staying power.)
It was a lot of fun playing around with makeup for a while. Not only did it help me forget about being sick and feeling miserable...but it allowed me to get creative. That is always the best part! Be sure to let me know what you think of this makeup look.

Speaking of makeup, my latest YouTube video is all about high-end makeup misses. Find out which pricey products failed to live up to my expectations.

Have you used any of these products?

xo Shannon


  1. Love this look on you. It's so different from other looks you have done. I hope you do more like this!

  2. Nice look

  3. I adore this look on you. It's awesome.

    New post is up on UNIQUEYEAH !

  4. Nice post,Besides such beauty,real human hair is also a great women beauty choice.


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