Wednesday, August 9, 2017

beginner series: contour like a pro

Contour kits are everywhere these days. You can find them in drugstores, Sephora, MAC, and every beauty counter imaginable. Never before has highlighting and contouring been so popular. Thank the A-list for that! Are you a beginner? Then the concept of contouring your face might seem a little overwhelming. What goes where? And how can you avoid noticeable mistakes? Now that the world has gone contour crazy…. it is time to learn the ropes. This beginner-friendly guide will help you get started.

Stick To Matte Products. Whether you are using a dedicated contour kit or are making the most of bronzers and highlighting products, there is one key rule to keep in mind. Stay matte! The last thing you want is a product that has shimmer or glitter in it. This will instantly make your contour look fake and obvious. Talk about a beauty no-no. Ideally, you want to use products to create contrast in a flattering way. So keep it natural and only use matte products when contouring your face.

Use The Same Formula. Maybe you have an awesome cream blush and a great powder highlight. That is wonderful…. unless you are using them both together. Your best bet is to use products that are the same formula. Powders with powders and creams with creams. This will keep your highlight and contour looking natural – and prevent it from appearing too over the top. Remember, you can always add more product if you want your contour to look more dramatic.

Remember The Rule of 3’s and C’s. When it comes to basic contouring and highlighting, there are two things to remember. 3’s and C’s. Generally, you want to use your bronzer in a 3 shape along the side of the face. Along the hairline, under the cheekbones, and underneath your jaw line. This 3 shape will give you a quick and easy contour. Now for the highlighting. For a picture perfect highlight, remember the rule of C. You want to apply your highlighting products from the middle of your brow bone in a C shape that ends just above that cheekbone contour.

Contouring can be pretty fun. It is a great way to give your face some added definition. One thing to remember, though? You don’t have to contour. How often you do or do not use your contour kit is entirely up to you. The key is to have fun and push yourself creatively. After all, that is half the fun of makeup!

Once you have mastered the art of contouring, you can add on new and exciting products to create a bold and head-turning look. Like glitter! Find out how to create the fastest glitter lip ever in my latest YouTube video. It is quick, easy, and totally beginner-friendly....

Do you  have any beginner beauty tips to share? Sound off in the comment section below.

xo Shannon


  1. I don't often use contour kit. but this info is nice.thanks for sharing :)

  2. Great tips to learn the contouring technique, I see you video for more details!

  3. Hi dear. I am following you would you like to follow back?

  4. it has some really good products. thnks for shearing :)
    Soslu Badem by Dilek

  5. I think this is a great start to your beginner series. Since this trend came out in the last few years, it is imperative to learn techniques like this. I can't wait for your next installment!

  6. I think you covered the important tips:) Really a helpful post esp to those who are new to the whole thing. I really love contouring for special occasions. Adds an extra oomph to the look, you know?

  7. Nice post

  8. Looks amazing! Would you like to support each other by following? Let me know :) xx


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