Thursday, August 3, 2017

how to rock the 90s trend.

Get your scrunchies. Bring out the plaid. Throw on your overalls. Marathon 90210. In case you hadn’t noticed, 90s fashion trends are back in a real way. Styles that were once considered dated are now at the forefront of fashion. Even though you probably threw out your mini-back pack long ago…. now you can step back in time and re-visit those old favourites. There are so many ways to embrace this fashion resurgence. Here are a few easy ways to wear the trend with ease.

Wear Relaxed Fit Jeans. Okay, skinny jeans are still fashionable. But guess what? So are relaxed fitting jeans. Back in the 90s, models and celebrities alike sported loose fitting jeans and tighter tops. This is one trend that has returned tenfold. More and more you are seeing fashionistas rocking boyfriend cut jeans with crop tops. This is a simple way to put a new spin on an old favourite.

Add On Flannel and Plaid. By far the most obvious sign of the trend is flannel and plaid. Do you remember tying a button down plaid shirt around your waist? Or throwing a baggy flannel shirt on before running out the door? That is what this trend is all about. You can wear it in the loose-fit 90s style or make it a little more modern. Both are totally acceptable! To update the look, wear a form fitting plaid dress or a pair of plaid skinny jeans. 

Wear a Pair of Doc Martens. I distinctly remember begging my parents to buy me a pair of Doc Martens. No such luck! Thanks to the boomerang effect, I can now re-live my youth in a pair of on trend Docs. These distinct boots have been popping up everywhere lately. Just take a look at street style pictures or your favourite celebrities out and about. Chances are, you will spot a pair or two of Docs. Add them to your wardrobe to make any outfit perfectly in tune with the 90s.

Change Up Your Hair and Makeup. Did you think the 90s trend began and ended with clothing? Nothing could be further from the truth. There are plenty of hair and beauty trends as well. For instance, the valley girl ponytail has been spotted on tons of celebs. Not to mention boyish pixie cuts and cute hair accessories like butterfly clips. As for makeup, lip liner has made a triumphant return. You didn’t think Kylie Jenner started it all, did you? Some of the biggest beauty icons from the 90s rocked lip liner on a regular basis. Now you can, too.

There is something fun about trying new trends. Or old ones, as the case may be. By adding in a few 90s inspired pieces, your wardrobe will look better than ever before.

And just in case you missed latest YouTube video is up! It is all about workout DVDs that are super fun and effective. Take a look and be sure to share your own workout favourites in the comment section.

What do you think about the resurgence of 90s fashion? 

xo Shannon


  1. Nice post babe

  2. amazing tips,
    the 90s Trends are so cool :D

    with love your AMELY ROSE

  3. great post!
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  4. I love your post. I love 90s trends, thanks dear for sharing this awoseome tips.
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  5. I'm actually a big fan of the 90's trend, and consider Winona Ryder's character in Reality Bites as a style icon:D These are all great tips:)

  6. I LOOOVE 90's! Soo urban and soo my style! Great blog dear, I follow you, can you follow me back? ♥♥

  7. the 90s style is popping up everywhere!

  8. I am a sucker for the 90s fashion. Overalls, chokers, belly shirts. I love them all!

  9. This outfit looks cool ;)
    My blog ;)


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