Thursday, August 17, 2017

review: urban decay moondust palette

It has been a full-blown makeup drought over here. Okay, not really. I still have more makeup that any one person technically needs...but it has been quite a while since new makeup has entered my life. One of my resolutions for the year was to use more of what I have rather than constantly focus on the new-new-new. As a reward for cutting back, my husband surprised me with the Urban Decay Moondust palette. Cue excitement. Not only was this new makeup....but a sparkly glitter palette that I had been lusting after for ages.

By the time it arrived? I seriously could not wait to try it out. Though, in all honesty, it was a little nerve wracking as well. There was so much pressure! It was, after all, my first new makeup item in quite a while. I desperately wanted to love it but nothing is guaranteed when it comes to a new product. So, how did it perform? Here is a breakdown of the Urban Decay Moondust eyeshadow palette.

Packaging. I won't lie to you. Cute packaging gets me every time. Especially when it is centered around a particular theme. When it comes to the packaging on this particular palette, Urban Decay did a spectacular job. It is simple, straightforward, and fun. The outer packaging is silver and grey with lots and lots of sparkle. It is eye-catching but not overly complicated. The perfect balance!

Colours. Once you open up the Moondust palette, your senses are instantly in overload. There are so many bright and bold shades to look at. That includes Specter, Element, Magnetic, Lightyear, Granite, Lithium, Vega, and Galaxy. All of the shadows are extremely pigmented and glittery. This was such a relief, since most glitter palettes look like a specific colour in the pan, but have no pigmentation when applied.

Another reason to be relieved? The lack of fall out. Though there may be a few stray flecks of glitter every now and then, it is minimal. (And nothing compared to other glitter shadows I have used over the years.) There are several shades in here that I adore, but my favourite is easily Element. In fact, I used it to create the makeup look at the bottom on this post.

Quality. When it comes to Urban Decay, I have pretty high expectations. They are known for having great products that work well. The Moondust palette is no exception. The quality is top-notch, the shadows are (surprisingly) soft, and the glitter looks absolutely fabulous. It allows you to quickly and easily achieve a super gorgeous makeup look - and instantly add on some glitter and shimmer.

Overall Impressions. If you couldn't tell by now, I am a massive fan of this palette. Not only is it a unique addition to my collection but it is well made, easy to use, and produces head-turning results. This is a standout, for sure! Take a look at the super simple makeup look I created below using the shade Element.....

Urban Decay is one my favourite higher end brands and the Moondust palette is a serious reminder of why. I absolutely love it. The shadows are beautiful and the colours are anything but ordinary.

And on another latest YouTube video is up! You may remember from my posts earlier this summer, I went on a road trip with my family for about three weeks. Finally I have edited together some of the footage I shot while I was away. Take a peek at part one to check out the World of Coke, Dollywood, SeaWorld, and Universal Studios.

Have you tried this palette? What did you think of it?

xo Shannon


  1. Nice post

  2. This looks perfect. I love the colors.

  3. OMG your lids look so freakin cool! Lovee all the time while somebody put on all the bronzy color together!<3


  4. Love the look you did ! Such a stunning palette.

  5. wow beautiful colors:) I love your make up:)

  6. ;D

    Essa paleta é muito maravilhosa!

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^

  7. Totally obsessed with this palette!
    Kisses, Paola.

  8. Love the diversity of colours, this really is siutable for aall occassions in one palette <3




  9. These are the eyeshadows that I like, so much shimmer and so many colors! <3

  10. Your blog is beautiful !!! I would love to see you on my blog !! Happy day!!!

  11. these colours are so sparkly and gorgeous!

  12. I want this palette so badly. The look you chose to do looks stunning! I think it's great for the fall!


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