Friday, August 11, 2017

simple ways to score beachy waves.

Is a day at the beach on your calendar? Even if it isn’t…you can still snag relaxed beachy waves. You know, the ones only an afternoon of surf and sand can provide. It is possible to achieve those gorgeous waves from the comfort of your own home. Want to make sure you are summer ready…wherever the day may take you? This is your guide to sexy beach hair!

Get Beach Hair With Your Curling Iron

Going to the beach can be a lot of fun. Unfortunately, there isn’t always have a beach nearby - or time to visit one. Even without all of the sunshine and lapping waves, your hair will look totally unforgettable this season. Just grab your curling iron.

Start with air-dried hair. Grab your curling iron and begin curling random sections. (Each section should be about two inches thick.) The reason for this? Curling random sections will give you a messy and relaxed look. Continue to use your curling iron until you are happy with the results. Then spritz on a flexible hairspray and brush through the curls with your fingers. The end result will be some seriously stunning beach hair.

Get Beach Hair With Curl Boosting Products

These days, the beach comes in a bottle. At least, when it comes to beach hair. You can achieve that super stunning beach look by using a texturizing spray or a salt spray. These products can be picked up at any drugstore or beauty store. Thankfully they tend to be pretty affordable as well. Not to mention simple to use.

All you need to do is apply the spray evenly onto damp hair. Scrunch the product through with your fingers. Then let your hair air-dry. (You can speed up this process with a blow dryer but be sure to scrunch your hair as you go.) By the time your hair has dried completely, you will have some seriously enviable waves. Easy as that! 

Get Beach Hair With A Little Bit Of Styling

Sometimes a little bit of styling is all you need. Even when it comes to beach inspired waves. That’s right. It is possible to score an incredible hairstyle – without spending hours and hours using heat tools. Just sleep on it!

To get beachy waves, grab a shower before bed. Dry your hair with a towel and then get twisting. Twist your hair into medium and small sections before you go to sleep. Spay a curl boosting spray through the length and hit the hay. By the time you wake up in the morning, those twists will have transformed into the beachy waves you crave.

There are so many ways to embrace the summer season. So why not start with your hair? With plenty of sunshine left to enjoy…a beachy style could be all you need to take an ordinary day to extraordinary heights.

Do you love beachy waves? What is your go-to summer hairstyle?

xo Shannon


  1. Nice post. I like beachy waves but do not often change my hair-style.
    I am following you, follow me back?
    My blog is about Indian dresses.

  2. Your waves are perfect.

  3. Me encanta tu pelo!!!😍

  4. Such a nice post, thanks for sharing!

    Thank you for following me dear, I followed you right back!

    Keep in touch <3

  5. nice blog =)
    following each other?

  6. Lovely look of salty hair <3
    Anyway, would you like to following each other? Let me know <3


  7. Nice post

  8. Great post dear! I love beach hair!

  9. Waves are lovely, but they're not that easy to combine to bangs :D Thank you for your kind comment on my blog! :)

    E from Helsinki, Finland

  10. Great post!
    follow me? follow you :)
    Zapraszam do mnie:


  11. I love beach waves hair style! I use a curling iron with seasalt spray or hot rollers.
    My favourite hair style for summer is super high pony tail or put the hair in one side.


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