Saturday, September 2, 2017

make september your best month ever.

Maybe it's me, but this summer seemed to go by faster than usual. (And it always seems to zoom by.) With September just beginning, we are collectively hanging onto the last remaining days of sunshine and carefree afternoons. By the time this month ends...we will be dipping our toes into cool fall weather and changing leaves.

Since there is only a small amount of summer left to enjoy, it is important to maximize the time that is left. Here is a fool-proof guide to making sure September is your best month ever.

Embrace Both the Summer and Fall Season. Who says you have to spend the next few weeks torn between two seasons? The beauty of this month is that you have the best of both worlds at your fingertips. For instance, if you want to light a watermelon candle one day and a pumpkin scented candle the next, you can. Mix and match elements of the season (whether that has to do with scents, home decor, or food) to create a picturesque month.

Enjoy the Outdoors as Much as Possible. It is time to face the facts: colder weather is coming. Yes, those chilly temperatures will soon become a reality for many of us. The best thing to do? Go outside and make the most of nature while you can. Before you know it, you will need to bundle up in layers every single time you step foot outside your door. So spend a little time this month enjoying those remaining days of sun and fun.

Change Up the Look of Your Space. With a new season on the horizon, there is no better time to spruce up your home or bedroom. A few small changes can make you feel happier - and get you excited for the seasonal activities that fall brings. Incorporate some warmer tones into your room, hang some fairy lights, or hang pictures. (If you find yourself fearing the end of summer, you can always hang up pictures from the last couple of months.) There are so many possibilities!

Make Plans With People You Care About. What is it about fall? Sure, everyone is either heading back to school or knuckling down for more time at work...but no one seems to want to do anything or go anywhere. During summer? Everyone is eager to have a good time, but once September hits, that mentality seems to slow. Don't let it! Make plans with the people in your life. That includes friends, family members, co-workers, and anyone else you want to spend time with. Make an effort - and your month will be unforgettable.

It is possible to transition from summer to fall in a way that is fun and exciting. So spend some time this month having fun, decorating your home, and appreciating the great outdoors. It will make September seem better than ever before.

How will you enjoy the month? Share your own suggestions in the comment section!

xo Shannon


  1. Great post dear, i like the tips you shared on enjoying summer

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  2. Great post, thanks for sharing!

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  3. I hope you have a good month :)

  4. Nice post

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  7. Wonderful post. Thanks for all your tips. I need to follow some of them, speacially make some plans with friends and family
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