Monday, October 16, 2017

new in: zara, hot topic, and bluenotes.

Oh, shopping. How I have missed you. As you may know if you have been reading my blog for any period of has been one of my resolutions to do less shopping. And I have. Though, I do still indulge every once and a while! And boy, did I need to. It had been a strange few days and I was feeling pretty emotional. Everything was off balance and my mind was not in the best place. Thankfully, my mom and I had a mini shopping trip planned. We went to the mall to find a birthday gift for my dad and check out some of the stores. It was such a fun day and it managed to get my mind off of things. If that wasn't enough, my husband and I did some discount shopping the day before. It was definitely a weekend of worthy of a shopaholic.

Since there has been a little bit of shopping in my life only made sense to show you some of the things that I picked up. Despite discount shopping and some time at the mall, I still tried to make good decisions. Like only buying things that made me over-the-moon happy or practical items that I would actually make use of. Ready to see what I found? Here is everything that is new in my closet.....

Zara: Grey Sweatshirt with Blue Fuzzy Sleeves. 

Have you ever found an item of clothing that is so over the top that you fall head over heels in love with it? That is exactly what happened with this sweatshirt from Zara. It is a basic grey sweater but the sleeves are totally unique. They are oversized and have blue, black, and white fuzzy material attached to them. It is cute, comfy, and totally out there. The moment I put this on, I felt like a million bucks. So whether it was a logical purchase or an emotional sure makes me happy. 

Hot Topic: Riverdale T-Shirts, Alice in Wonderland Dress, and Disney Earrings. 

I think that Hot Topic will be my demise. Honestly, whenever I walk in there, I am so overwhelmed and want absolutely everything. It has all the things I love: novelty items, music related stuff, drag queen merch, and TV show t-shirts. What else does a girl need? So while I reined myself in....I did find a few special pieces. Like the Jughead Jones t-shirt and Riverdale Aminata Aanenens baseball shirt from Riverdale. (I love that show so much. Which is why I did a post about Riverdale Fashion a while back.) These were must-have items. I am so in love with them! Then I picked up a few Alice in Wonderland pieces because it is one of my favourite Disney movies and I may have a special reason to wear them in the next little while. Fingers crossed! 

Bluenotes: Lots and Lots of Novelty T-Shirts. 

These last items came from a discount store that my husband and I went to. Each shirt was super cheap (between $6 and $15) and so cute. The top one is a distressed band style t-shirt that says Girl Power and has an open shoulder design. Then there is an oversized crop top that says Cancelled Plans Are My Favourite Plans, because that was simply too cute to leave behind. And lastly, my favourite, the shirt that says Pizza Can't Break My Heart.

All of the new items in my life are wonderful. It was nice to treat myself to a little bit of shopping and spend some time with people I care about at the same time. 

Have you done any shopping lately? What do you think of these items?

xo Shannon


  1. Beautiful haul!
    Have a nice day, dear!

    Maybe follow for follow?
    Moj mali kutak

  2. Amazing items, dear, so nice and interesting! I love them! Zara is my favorite store, they have lovely clothes, so quality, too! Great review dear. SO nice photo.

    New post is on my blog! Visit me, Maleficent

  3. zara sweatshirt looks so cute :D

    have a nice day

  4. Hahaha...that Trisha quote is priceless:D And love your haul, Shannon. Hot Topic is my demise too...and always having that Hot Cash promo doesn't help:P


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