Monday, October 30, 2017

where there is no imagination there is no horror.

Are you a fan of Halloween? I definitely am. There has always been this wonderful anticipation surrounding this time of year. When I was younger, it was all related to choosing the perfect costume, going to the elementary school dance, and going out trick or treating. Now that I am older, my Halloween typically consists of scary movies and bite-sized candy. In the past, I would always try to go out and do something special but either the plans never properly materialize or the evening would be a colossal letdown. So, a laid-back (but Halloween themed) movie night has become my ideal way to celebrate the holiday.

This year, I have a super special movie night planned. Since my husband will be working tomorrow evening....the apartment will be all mine. The afternoon/evening will consist of a well-earned night away from writing work and lots of themed excitement. Want a peek at my holiday celebration? Take a look at the picture below for a better idea of what my night will entail.

My Halloween Plans (Movies, Decorations, and More): 

I am pretty excited about it! I've got Halloween themed books to read, the Monster Mash song to listen to, cute seasonal decorations, a mini canvas and paint set, and lots and lots of movies. My plan is to start off with some cute classics, like Casper cartoons and It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and follow it up with a night of movies from the Halloween series. My goal is to watch Halloween 4, 5, and H20 because they are my personal favourites. Basically, it will be a night of chocolate, cartoons, and horror flicks. Not a bad way to enjoy the holiday.

Mini Halloween Makeup Review and Removal Tips: 

Something I forgot to mention? Another part of my plan for this Halloween is to dress up in a costume. Well, sort of. I will be wearing my Figment hoodie (complete with wings and horns) that I brought home with me from Walt Disney World - and apply some fabulous purple makeup. Which is where the palette above will come in handy. I'm planning to use the pink and purple shades to create something super glam and Figment inspired.

The palette above is the Wet n Wild Paint Palette in Pastels. I came across it while looking for blue face paint for another Halloween look I was creating (more on that in a minute). It had everything I needed. Plenty of gorgeous colours, a creamy consistency, and simple packaging. Not to mention a great price. It was about $7 and is absolutely perfect for this time of year.

This palette also has fabulous staying power. In fact, it was pretty difficult to remove all of the blue from my face. So, here are a few makeup removal tips to help you out this Halloween.
  • Start with soap and water. Even though most of us instinctively reach for a makeup wipe or oil based cleanser....simply using soap and water can remove the bulk of your Halloween makeup quickly and easily. Especially if you are using products specifically made for a costume. Often they are made to come off with regular, everyday soap.
  • Use a coconut oil to get rid of any stubborn makeup that refuses to budge. This oil has many different uses but can be especially helpful at breaking down stubborn cosmetics. Since this is an oil, it will give you the glide you need to tackle the problem, without causing you to pull or tug at the skin.
  • Makeup wipes or baby wipes are great for cleaning up any leftover makeup residue. Run one over your face to clean up whatever has been left behind.

Halloween Makeup Tutorials: 

There is no doubt about it. Makeup is a pretty huge part of my life. When it comes to costume makeup...I am always trying to improve my skills. Which is why I am always excited when there is an opportunity to do something different and step out of my comfort zone a little bit. In case you don't already know, I write for an amazing website called LoveToKnow. Recently, I did an article that showed how to create the look above (Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas) step-by-step. In case you are interested, here are a few other looks that I have done!

How to Do Makeup Like Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas
Cheshire Cat Makeup
Minnie Mouse Makeup
Ladybug Makeup
Broken China Doll Makeup
Chucky Makeup

If you are searching for some last minute makeup or costume inspiration...I hope those makeup tutorials help. Please let me know what you think of them. And which one is your favourite!

Are you excited for Halloween? How will you celebrate?

xo Shannon


  1. Omg although you do not like halloween, you look fantastic. I loved it!

  2. I live in a country where a big part of people don't celebrate Halloween. I mean, some of them celebrate it in house, but it looks kinda wierd to go for tricks or treats. And yeap, I'm so sad about that. But, it's reason more why I really love reading Halloween post from people that celebrate it. This post was so great, dear!

    My blog: Ana's blogger life

  3. This is amazing!! You're stunning! :D <3

    new post|

  4. OMG OMG OMG! It's perfect! So nice and really interesting! You are real artist! Wonderful makeup dear! Lovely and really useful palette.

    New post is on my blog! Hope you will visit me, Maleficent <3 *-*

  5. Nice photos, especially the first one.

  6. Great post

  7. ;D

    Ficou muito legal!

    Ótima terça!

    Beijo! ^^


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