Wednesday, November 1, 2017

designer spotlight: celebrating betsey johnson

We all have that one designer. The one you simply cannot get enough of. The one you keep up with, follow on Instagram, and anxiously await new designs from. For me, that designer is and has always been, Betsey Johnson. Her fun personality matches her equally fun, bold, and creative designs. She is an icon in her own right. With over forty-five years in the industry, there is no denying her talent. With such an incredible career and legacy behind her…. it is time to take a step back and celebrate all things Betsey.

It all began in the 1960s. After working as an in-house designer in New York City, Betsey Johnson opened up her very first boutique, Betsey Bunky Nini. From there, she took over designing for the brand Alley Cat in the 70s before starting her own fashion line. Since then, she has successfully created clothing and accessories as part of her Betsey Johnson brand. Worn by celebrities and fashion lovers alike, she was – and still is - one of a kind.

What separates this talented designer from so many? Her love of colour, print, and whimsy. She often pairs feminine design elements like tulle and bright pink with dramatic details, like a massive flower, a skull print, or dangling bling. The contrast between pretty and punk is exactly what keeps audiences guessing. That along with her ability to push the envelope has allowed Betsey to remain a household name to this day.

I confess. I always feel amazing when I carry one of my Betsey bags or wear one of her shirts, accessories, or shoes. For me, Betsey will always hold a special place in my heart. I remember my early foray into fashion. The first time I felt truly confident was the day I carried around my Betsey Johnson purse....covered in skulls and roses. Suddenly, fashion made sense to me. I got the hype. My tomboy days faded away and I felt comfortable embracing styles that were feminine, fun, and chic.

Certain fashion designers speak to certain people. Everyone has that one designer that manages to represent who they are style wise. If I could pick one person to represent my own style? It would be Betsey all the way.

Something else that inspires me? Makeup! (You probably already knew that, if you have been reading this blog for any amount of time.) My latest YouTube video is up and it is all about mineral makeup sets....including full reviews and swatches. Please take a look if you have time!

Which designer inspires you?

xo Shannon


  1. Lovely post!
    for me it was Alexander McQueen, such a sad lost...
    kisses from Spain,

  2. This post is so good, dear. I like her and her designs. They are so colorful, but good combinated inspiring and... I don't know, I just like it. Thanks for sharing this story with us. :)

    My blog: Ana's blogger life

  3. Great post and lovely blog :)
    New follower

    AN Beauty Blog

  4. Great post

  5. Hi! Nice post as always. And the video too.
    I invite you to visit my blog whenever you want. Have a nice weekend!

  6. ;)

    Ela é bem colorida, né?! hehehe!

    Ótima sexta!

    Beijo! ^^


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