Saturday, November 25, 2017

highlight series part one: wear highlighter like a pro

Beauty products may come and go…. but highlighter is forever. That glow? That buzzed about skin? Nothing can compare! Which is why every professional makeup artist has at least one or two highlighters in their kit. The same goes for makeup lovers. These days, highlighting products are everywhere. You can pick them up from MAC, Sephora, and even your nearest Wal-Mart store. This is one beauty item that is an absolute must. Especially if you are after beautiful, radiant skin this fall and winter. Looking to add a highlighter to your makeup routine? Everything you need to know is right here.....

What Highlighter Does. The right highlighting products can totally change your look. It can elevate very basic makeup to a poised, polished, and professional level. The thing about highlight is it adds a soft glow to your skin – and brings certain features to the forefront. Cream, liquid, or powder…. highlighting product comes in many forms, but they are all designed to give you that I just moisturized my face kind of look.

Choosing Your Highlighter. Yes, there are many different types of highlighters to choose from. How can you find the right one? This will depend largely on your skin type and skin tone. For instance, if you have dry skin, a cream or liquid highlighter is ideal. If you have normal to oily skin then a powder highlight will give you that glow without making your skin look slick. Be sure to keep your skin tone in mind as well. Frosty white highlighters can look beautiful on medium skin, pink highlights look great on pale skin, and bronzey highlighters are stunning on darker skin tones.

How To Apply Your Highlight. Have the right highlighting product on hand? Then it is time to get started. Application! This might seem a little daunting if you haven’t done it before. Don’t worry. Highlighting your face is actually quite simple. To keep it ultra basic, use a fluffy blush brush to apply the highlighter directly above your cheekbones. Blend it towards the hairline. Easy, right? Once you feel comfortable tackling that, you can start to get a little more advanced.

Apply a small amount of highlighter down the centre of your nose, on the inner corner of your eyes, underneath the brow bone, and along the cupids bow. This process will brighten your face and allow those areas to stand out. Not to mention giving you a gorgeous finish! Something to remember? Always apply highlighting products after your foundation. It should be layered on top so it remains visible.

Other Important Highlighting Tips:
-         You may want to avoid using highlighting products with glitter in it. They can make your skin look overdone rather than glowy and fresh.
-         Don’t forget to blend your highlight. You never want a harsh line of your shimmery product. Blend with your foundation brush, makeup sponge, or even your fingertips. The key is to make it look as natural as possible.
-         Try out new products. It can be a bit of a hit or miss when you are searching for the ultimate highlighter for you. So be open to trying new things! Maybe a pearly highlight rather than a soft shimmery one. You never know until you try, right? Use testers or ask a professional for advice.

Give your skin that healthy (and totally gorgeous) glow this season. All you need are the right products and a little bit of know-how.

Do you have a favourite highlighter? 

xo Shannon


  1. Such great advice, honestly I am a newbie to highlighting, I definitely needed to read this! I do love a cream highlighter though :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

  2. wow, great tips dear, thank u! Wonderful post daring, so nice and interesting! Lovely!
    Like it so much! Have a nice weekend!

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  3. Great post

  4. Perfect tips! I love this post ♥ ♥

  5. Hi dear! These Highlighter are very shimmer *.*

  6. I love highlighters!!! I love creamy ones if I don't use foundation.
    But with foundation, powder highlighters work best for my skin

  7. Possiedo la pelette di sleek e mi piace tanto!

  8. Great post dear 😊


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