Friday, November 3, 2017

review: gosh long lasting eye liner pen

Everyone has that one makeup product. You know, that total must-have. The one product that goes with you when you travel, is tossed into your beauty bag, and is a key part of each and every look you create. For some, that is lipstick. Others are obsessed with mascara. Me? My obsession is eyeliner. Always always eyeliner. This is the perfect way to add definition to the eyes and transform an ordinary makeup look into something spectacular. Recently, I was able to try out a few new eyeliner pens from Gosh Cosmetics. Are they good? Bad? Somewhere in between? It is time to find out.

There are many different colours to choose from this line (including brown, purple, and green) but the ones that were added to my collection are: Turquoise, Grey, and Navy Blue. Immediately, I was excited about these colours because they were completely different from the liners that I normally reach for. Usually, it is black, black, and more black. With the odd pop of colour for good measure. But these shades are the perfect balance between the two. They are deep and dark but still offer a gorgeous splash of colour to mix things up. That makes them wearable for everyday as well as with bolder more colourful looks. Perfection!

So how do these perform? The pigmentation is impressive and one coat is enough to get a full thick line. These glide really well and there is no tugging or pulling whatsoever. Definitely a plus. As for the colours, they are really rich and beautiful. The turquoise shade is totally stunning, the navy is a subtle change, and the grey has unexpected shimmer and shine. The formula is impressive, they don't transfer, and they have great longevity.

The only downside to these eyeliners is that they are called eye liner pens and yet...they are not pens at all. These are a pretty traditional liquid liner, with a twist off cap and a flexible applicator. The shape of the tube might be a pen as opposed to a paint pot but it isn't actually a pen in terms of consistency or application. While the product is good, I do think the actual name of the product is a bit misleading. I love eyeliner pens for quick and easy everyday use and tend to use liquid liner when I have a little bit more time. So...not the same thing.

A little while back, I used the navy and grey to contrast a red-orange inspired makeup look that I created before a weekend getaway to Ottawa. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Overall, these eyeliner pens worked well and I am really loving the looks they create. The name was just a little off, in my opinion. But these are definitely products that I am reaching for often. That is always a good sign!

Have you tried anything from Gosh?

xo Shannon


  1. Wow, looks great!
    Thank you for sharing!

  2. I love your hair color.

  3. Amazing!! Great post dear! ♥

  4. Amazing review darling, so lovely and nice! It's really useful! You look so beautiful, love this makeuplook!

    New post is on my blog. Visit me, Maleficent

  5. wow i loved that eyeliners! but thanks for information; because i thought that they were pen-liners from their appearance:)

  6. Lovely post! I like it so much..If you want follow me


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