Friday, November 17, 2017

shopping my stash: too faced power of makeup palette

Sometimes I forget. I'll fall into a routine of using the same eyeshadow palettes for a while, then mix it up, and fall back into that same habit. The reason for this is pretty simple: I forget what I have. Unless there is a specific idea that has popped into my head, a palette I've remembered, or I actually have time to dig through my collection (for a special occasion rather than a quick-and-easy everyday look), then I am likely to stick to my trusted favourites. As a result? Amazing palettes don't get nearly enough use. One of my resolutions from this past year was to change that. To focus on using more of what I have. Which is how I found myself doing another self-imposed shop my stash challenge.

What caught my eye? The Power of Makeup palette from Too Faced. This was given to me last year for Christmas, and I immediately loved it, despite the mixed reviews online. There was such a great collection of colours to choose from. Like that electric and shimmery turquoise. It had a really nice mixture of glittery shades, bold pops of colour, and neutral everyday shadows. Not to mention the bonus of there being two blushes, a highlight, and a bronzer. It is actually a really well-rounded palette that can be used in a lot of fun and exciting ways.

So on a quick errand run one weekend, I decided to whip together a makeup look that was a mixture of neutral and really make the most of this beautiful palette.

I started with the deepest brown shade, Makeup & Chill, and applied that to the crease. Then I used my fingers to apply the gold glitter, Irresistible, all over the eyelid. (I find using my finger to apply glittery shadows really amps up the pigmentation and gives the look more of an impact. You could also apply it with a damp makeup brush if you prefer). Then I used that stunning turquoise shade, Mystic Hour, as an eyeliner. I worked a small amount of wanted, a matte black, through the crease, and finished off with Wham Bam, that vibrant purple on the lower lash line.

For blush, I chose the pink colour, Justify My Love, and layered the highlight Champagne Truffle on the top of the cheekbones. Then it was a bit of light contouring with the Chocolate Soleil bronzer, and a pale lilac lip butter from Revlon, and a coat of Too Faced's Better Than Sex mascara to finish it all off. Essentially, I tried to create a super wearable look that didn't shy away from glitter or colour.

This has inspired me to dig a little deeper and re-discover more amazing makeup sitting in my collection. I have so much - and love it all. I just need to remember to use it!

On another latest YouTube video is up! It is definitely a more personal one for me because it is all about music. Music has been a huge part of my life for a very long time and it has gotten me through good times, bad times, and everything in between. Take a peek at my record collection (and hear me ramble about the importance of music) in the video below.

Do you own this palette? When is the last time you shopped your stash?

xo Shannon


  1. Thank you for visit to my blog ;)
    I follow your blog - it's great place! :)

  2. Oh my gosh...your record collection! Music is a big part of my life too. Listening to music is an escape when things get really rough, you know? And I love the smell of records too.
    PS John Denver=awesome
    PPS You look fab as always:) The palette looks fab!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That palette is so cute!!

  5. Gorgeous look! I really need to shop my stash as well... I always end up using the same palette over and over.

    xo, alison*elle

  6. Dear Shannon! This palette looks so pretty and I love the look that you created with it!

    Have a good weekend, Eva

  7. This palette is cute and the colors are very beautiful and interesting!)

  8. Wow, amazig pallet! So lovely and look really useful! Must try! You are so beautiful, fantastic makeup look! Great post dear, so nice and interesting.
    Like it so much!

    Have a nice weekend, darling! New post is on my blog.
    Visit me, and follow. Hope see you soon. Maleficent

  9. That palate is super amazing!! glitter shades are very nice.

  10. The palette is stunning. Can i have one please...
    Happy sunday...
    Xoxo from Portugal

  11. I really wanted to buy this palette but mixed reviews confused me. I like Nikkie and I thought that her selection of colors and textures would be perfect but I didn't buy it unfortunately. Great review btw:)


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