Tuesday, November 21, 2017

wet n wild coloricon loose pigments: yay or nay?

It isn't often that limited edition Wet n Wild products are available where I live. Every once and a while, there will be a small, understated stand with a handful of products. But most of the time? There is very little. Which is a shame, since Wet n Wild is such a standout drugstore brand. They have a ton of fabulous products. In fact, almost everything that I have tried from them has been fantastic quality. Especially their eyeshadows! So of course, when I saw a tiny little stand of limited edition Wet n Wild Halloween themed makeup, I went for it. In addition to the cream face palette that appeared in my Halloween post (it helped me create this Sally-inspired look) there were also a couple of loose pigments to choose from.

As you can see from the picture above, these are super gorgeous colours. I chose the purple shade (Mythical Dreams) and blue (Unicorn Wishes). The names alone make these standouts. I love the creativity. They also look absolutely stunning inside the packaging. But the real question: how do they perform? After so-so experiences with drugstore loose pigments in the past, my expectations were not high. I knew there was a decent chance that these would not be super intense shades.

Thankfully, I was pleasantly surprised. These can be worn bold and intense or sheered out for a more subtle wash of colour. Both of these products are very shimmery with lots of glitz and glitter. So they are definitely not meant for a neutral eye look. If you wear these, they are going to have some sparkle to them! Which is actually perfect as we approach the holiday season. (Yes, I love lots of glitter around the holidays.) These are also really easy to blend but it is best to apply it using your fingers or with a damp brush. Not only does the colour look better but it makes application a whole lot easier.

Speaking of application. This is where things were a little bit, well, messy. One thing I love about these loose pigments is the packaging. It has a screw off cap and a fold down plastic cover to prevent any product from falling out when you open it. Genius! The only downside is that it can be quite messy to get the product out and apply it. Despite the smart packaging, the powder goes everywhere. My advice? Do your best to be careful and don't rush the application process.

I used the shimmery blue shade, Unicorn Wishes, recently. I paired it with a taupe shadow from NYX, lots of black liner, my Too Faced mascara, a peach blush, and a soft pink lipstick from Clinique. As much as I incorporated other colours...I really wanted the blue to be the standout part o this look. Check it out and let me know what you think!

Though these loose pigments from Wet n Wild can be a little messy, the quality is wonderful. They are shimmery, pigmented, and look beautiful when applied. These bold colours are definitely making me smile - and have a way of shaking up my everyday makeup routine!

Something else making me smile? Looking back at some footage from the drag shows I attended last month. I finally put them all together to share a vlog style video over on my YouTube channel. It features makeup, fashion, glitter, and so much more. Check it out...

What do you think of these pigments? Any recommendations?

xo Shannon


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  2. It looks good on you ^^

    have a nice day

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