Sunday, November 19, 2017

zaful review: fashion, makeup, and accessories

It gives me a thrill. Opening up the mailbox to see a package full of new clothes, makeup, and accessories from Zaful. A flurry of questions instantly run through my mind, like: What is inside? Will everything fit? Will I fall in love with it all? That feeling of giddy anticipation essentially sums up my typical experience of online shopping. While I do not enjoy the waiting part (I am someone who struggles with patience), I do enjoy the moment when it arrives. A little while ago, I placed an order with Zaful that included a sweater, sweatshirt, two chokers, and a makeup palette.

Immediately, I was impressed with the packaging. Typically any online orders I receive come in cheap plastic wrapping - or nothing at all. There have been many items that were haphazardly tossed into a packing envelope. Zaful really went the extra mile to make a positive first impression. Each clothing item was delivered in a sealed plastic case, the makeup palette was wrapped carefully in bubble wrap, and the accessories were covered in their own small packages. That attention to detail made a huge difference with my initial impression of the company.  Now onto the items themselves....

One of my favourite things from the Zaful order is the gorgeous grey sweater, pictured above. Not only is it a super comfortable knit (not even remotely itchy or uncomfortable, which is the most important to me) but it is so effortlessly on trend. The knit itself is chunky and relaxed and has a subtle v-neck design and a fabulous choker neckline. I am so in love with how simple yet dramatic it is. The neckline really elevates this comfortable sweater to a fashion forward level....and I am obsessed. In fact, I will be wearing it out tonight when I meet up with some friends for dinner.

When it comes to fashion, I like to have fun with it. Sometimes that means wearing a novelty t-shirt or a sweatshirt with a little personality. The latter definitely describes this fabulous piece from Zaful! There are so many things to love about it. This is pink, says I'm a cat, and has a hood with cat ears on the top. I mean....yes! I am seriously so in love with this. It is cute, whimsical, and fun. Not to mention comfortable. This hoodie is really fantastic....the only downside is that it is a bit short for me. Not too short but not super long, like I prefer. That being said, I am quite tall, so this likely won't be an issue for everyone. Just be sure to keep it in mind.

In case you couldn't tell from the grey sweater and the two necklaces obsession with chokers is real. This is one fashion trend I was super excited to see return. I used to wear them when I was younger and am psyched to wear them now that they are back in style. I just love how they look. Especially these days, where there are so many different types to choose from. Case in point? The two necklaces from Zaful. 

The first is a velvet choker (velvet is another fashion trend that I am loving lately) with a reindeer charm hanging from the centre. It is beyond adorable - and so perfect for this time of year! I see myself wearing this constantly over the next month or so. As for the other necklace? It is striking. I love the combination of brown, gold, and sparkle to create this incredible three-layered piece. It is ultra glittery and makes me feel amazing whenever I wear it.

One of my biggest passions in life is makeup. Which is why I love to try out all kinds of it, from high-end brands to random beauty products. Anything and everything is fair game. When placing my order with Zaful, there was no doubt about it: I had to try out something makeup related. I chose the palette (shown and swatched above) because it had a lot of warm shades. That is something I am really into lately but there aren't a lot of those red/orange/sunset type of colours in my this was the perfect fit. My expectations were low but I was pleasantly surprised by the pigmentation. While the matte shades were a little dyer, the shimmery shades were buttery, soft and intensely pigmented. Plus, that highlight is gorgeous! It is really shimmery and adds a ton of glow to the face. I am excited to keep playing with this palette and create some warm looks this season. 

Overall, I was super impressed with my Zaful experience. The clothing was great quality, the accessories were cute and affordable, and the makeup was pretty and pigmented. The packaging and general attention to detail was an added bonus, for sure. I would definitely order from them again....I honestly loved everything. Talk about a thrill!

If you want to place an order of your own then be sure to use this coupon code: ZFSharron Murphy

Have you ordered from Zaful before? What do you think of these items?

xo Shannon


  1. Hi Your Blog is Very Cute! Now I follow it through gfc! Do you want to return my enrollment to my Blog? Find the gfc bar on the right by running the Blog a lot! Here is the link of my Blog I look forward to you

  2. Great haul! Nice product *.*
    I follow your amazing blog :)
    kisses from Poland :*

  3. Amazing products! Thanks for sharing! ♥️♥️♥️

  4. Love the first sweater!

  5. Hi, your blog is very nice and I follow it with pleasure! I follow you on gfc and circle of friends! Do you want to return the registrations !? The gfc button, in my Blog, is on the right by running the Blog a lot! I look forward to you from Italy

  6. That palette looks so lovely! sunset colors and lots of pigmentation:) great review!


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