Saturday, December 9, 2017

quick and easy holiday makeup looks

The holidays are a great excuse to have fun with makeup. You can go a little darker, a little bolder, and a little more dramatic. Everything from bright red lipstick to glittery gold eyelids and ultra winged liner are welcome. Ready to look your best this holiday season? Whether you are heading to an office Christmas party, a special date night, or are meeting up with old friends.....these quick and easy holiday makeup looks are all you need. They are guaranteed to make you sparkle at each and every special event. 

Quick and Easy Holiday Makeup Look: Berry Lips and Glittery Eyes

Ready to get started? This first quick and easy holiday makeup look is all about dark lips and tons of glitter. The dark lip is a hot commodity once again this winter. Metallic or mate is a must-have, so skip the gloss to keep this look on trend. Take a peek through your makeup collection for a dark berry or deep red shade without a ton of shine. Don’t have anything like that? Head to your local drugstore and invest in a deep berry colour that is totally matte. Use a lip liner for more precision and apply the colour over top.

Now for the glitter! During the holiday season, glitter is always in. To keep the glitter exactly where you want it, apply an eyeshadow primer to your lids before you reach for a shadow or loose glitter. This will help it stick. You can also grab a tissue and hold it underneath your eye while you apply any glittery products on the eyes. The tissue will catch any of that messy fall out. One of my favourite ways to apply glitter is by using the NYX glitter primer beforehand. It works well and is super affordable. Finish your holiday look with a few coats of mascara, your normal foundation routine, and a setting spray. The combination of sultry berry lips and holiday inspired sparkle is sure to wow.

Quick and Easy Holiday Makeup Look: Unexpected Sparkle and Smoke

Certain makeup looks are seasonal staples, like a red lip, brown smoky shadow, and some cat-eye liner. Don’t stick with tradition. Mix it up this season! While holiday beauty lovers are no stranger to a classic red lip, try changing up your cat-eye liner this year. Experiment with colours like navy, bronze, or silver. To put a fresh (and wintery) spin on your smoky holiday makeup look, opt for a gold or silver liner as opposed to the traditional black.

Pair it with a mid-tone brown eyeshadow applied all over the lid, a pair of natural yet noticeable false lashes, and of course, a red lip. For a stunning holiday makeup look, remember: the red you choose matters. You don’t want to wear something that is too orange or doesn’t flatter your skin tone. Look for something like Dragon Girl by NARS or Red Hot by Rimmel. Finish it all off with a tinted moisturizer, a dab of liquid or cream highlight on the cheeks, and your setting spray. One thing is for sure: this simple makeup look will make heads turn when you walk into the room.

The holiday season is quickly approaching. Be ready for it with these quick and easy holiday makeup looks. Whether you want to look your best for date night or are attending a work event – breathe easy. You don’t have to worry about your makeup this year.

Which holiday look is your favourite? 

xo Shannon


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