Monday, December 11, 2017

tips to warm up your winter makeup

Winter is here. Just in case you couldn’t tell from the chilly temperatures, holiday traditions, and dry skin! When it comes to fashion and makeup choices, many of us tend to stick to neutrals and cool toned shades during this time of year. In fact, metallics, glitter, and shimmer are totally on trend. This year? It is time to do something different. Instead of sporting wintery makeup looks day after day, warm up your makeup instead. These tips will help you add a little sizzle to your winter beauty routine.

Always Pair Cool Shades With Warm Ones. There is something dynamic about an icy makeup look. Maybe you were inspired by the weather outside or just watched Frozen a few too many times. That is okay! Things like light blue and navy eyeshadow shades, glitter, and dewy cheeks can look amazing. Unfortunately, all of those cool elements can look harsh on the skin. That can cause your makeup to look a little, well, cold. The solution is to add a little warmth into your colour palette. Do this by pairing cool toned shades with warm ones. For instance, try blending out your eyeshadow with a medium or red toned brown. This will instantly balance out those frosty shades. Or you can choose a plum blush to offset a white highlighter.

Choose Your Red Wisely. Red lipstick is a favourite for beauty lovers during the winter months. It is dramatic and almost always looks great. But you want to be careful with the red that you choose, particularly during the winter months. Not only can the wrong formula make your lips look dry or chapped, but certain shades can look harsh against your skin. If you are all about red lips this season, take a close look at your makeup collection. Do you see a bright and bold red? Skip it. Opt for a warmer shade like a orange red, a berry, or candle apple red. You will still be able to rock some seriously gorgeous shades without looking like a total ice queen.

Don’t Forget To Get Glowy. Taking care of your skin is essential during the winter months. Just as essential? Adding in a little glow. By now your summer tan has probably faded away and your skin is a shade or two lighter than it normally is. To add in a healthy glow, use your products wisely. You can always add on a flush of bronzer or use a makeup primer with a glowy finish. (The Laura Mercier Radiance Primer and Tinted Moisturizer are great products to achieve that healthy glow.) Another idea is to add a little golden luminizer to your foundation. Mix a few drops in with your regular foundation before applying to your face. The results will be gorgeous glowing skin that looks great all season long.

Another fun winter makeup look to consider? Glitter, glitter, and more glitter. If you are after an ultra sparkly sure to check out my latest YouTube video. It showcases my own collection of loose glitter (and adhesives) as well as a warm gold glitter makeup tutorial. Check it out below - and please let me know what you think of it!

No one said winter makeup had to be bland or boring. Don’t stick to the same old cool toned products this season. Infuse a little summer into your makeup look for something that is glamorous and wearable.

 How do you add warmth to your winter makeup looks?

 xo Shannon


  1. wow I love your make up, perfect lips color:)

  2. ;D

    Adorei essas dicas!

    Ótima quarta!

    Beijo! ^^

  3. You are absolutely right, make-up is weather inspired and mood dependent. The way a make-up is done can tell a lot about the mood of the person. Anyhow you have done amazing eye make-up !


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