Friday, February 16, 2018

four blog tips to help you grow your little piece of the internet.

Every blog has its ups and downs. Some people are able to find a niche market and build an audience quickly, while others toil away for years and years with little success. When it comes to being a can be a roller coaster ride. You never know quite what to expect. Though there are many different types of bloggers out there (the ones who strive to earn their income from blogging vs ones who do it purely for the enjoyment factor), it is always possible to grow.

Let me just say this: Mansa Fashion. is not a crazy popular blog. However, it is something I am extremely proud of. I have worked very hard to establish it, expand it, and maintain an audience. This is no easy feat! So, today I wanted to share a few blogger tips with you all. Here are four ways to grow your own little piece of the Internet.

  1. Have a Clear Understanding of What You Want to Write About. This may seem unnecessary, but it is actually a great way to determine the purpose of your blog. One of the easiest ways to build an audience is to have a general area of focus. (For example, DIY and Crafts or Makeup and Fashion, or Technology and Video Games.) Write a list of the things you like to write about...and then pick the ones that either work together or interest you most. While the odd "off-topic" post is a good way to mix things up, in general, you want to focus on writing pieces that match your vision. 
  2. Come Up With a Mantra or Motto. Knowing what to write about is only half the battle! It is just as important to think about what you want to accomplish with your blog. Do you want to help people? Express yourself creatively? Make money? Network? There are so many reasons to start and maintain your space. Think about what your motivations are and then come up with a mantra or motto that relates to your specific goals. (Remember: your mantra may change many times over the course of your blogging career. That is totally okay!) An example: I focus on purpose, planning, and productivity. 
  3. Set Goals For Your Blog and Make Them Happen. Another way to ensure that your blog continues to grow is to set goals. This is something you should be doing on a regular basis. Not only will it keep you motivated (to keep writing, sharing, and posting) but it will also ensure that your focus is sharp. Maybe you want to reach a certain number of page views or a follower count. Or perhaps you simply want to improve the quality of content that you produce. All of these things can be achieved with a straightforward plan (share your posts on social media, join blogging groups, make friends with other bloggers, or dedicate more time to each post) and a bit of follow-through.  
  4. Remember Why You Do It. The fastest way to halt growth on your blog is to lose sight of why you are a blogger in the first place. It is a good idea to have a Word document or even a sticky note with a list of reminders written down. List all of the many reasons you love to blog, why you choose to dedicate your time to it, and what growing the blog means to you. Why do you want to make it bigger? Who do you want to attract to your space? Knowing what you want and remembering why you want it will keep you typing, working, and growing.
No one ever said blogging was easy. It can be time consuming and even stressful at times....but at the heart, it is rewarding, exciting, and an incredible way to share a piece of yourself with an audience. Keep these tips in mind if you are wanting to grow your blog in any way, shape, or form. Perseverance and patience will pay off!

Do you have any blogging tips? Sound off in the comment section below!

xo Shannon


  1. Completely agree with the expression - "Perseverance and patience will pay off!" ;)
    Excellent post with important tips!

    My blog is "Demilla". Welcome!

  2. Great tips. We should always have in mind them!

    Kathy's delight

  3. I find your suggestions very useful. I think it's also important to be constant and have fun. ^__^

    1. Thank you so much! And I totally agree with you... being constant and having fun are essential! :)


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