Tuesday, February 20, 2018

new in: nail polish (revlon and sally hansen)

Painting your nails can be a therapeutic experience. Anytime I have had a rough week or even a challenging day, I reach for the nearest bottle of nail polish. Why? It has the ability to comfort and distract my mind. From the calming process itself (my inner zen is channeled every time I focus on those neat, even strokes) to the colour selection....it is a chance to step away from the stresses of everyday life. It gives me the opportunity to pamper my emotional spirit.

When it comes to colour, this is often the most important aspect. Sometimes I choose a shade that matches the season (like a deep wine shade in the fall or a neon orange in the summer), other times it is any random colour that strikes my fancy (this usually involves some type of glitter), and every so often, there is a nail polish shade that speaks to what I need most.

That happened a little while ago, when three new nail polish shades entered my life. They were: Unicornicopia and Amethyst Smoke from Revlon and Mauve-olous from the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel line. On that particular day, I was searching for a specific shade of purple. While my collection had plenty of pastel purples and deep purples, my heart was craving a gorgeous amethyst shade. Then I stumbled upon the two colours from Revlon...and bam! It was love at first sight. (The nail polish from Sally Hansen, on the other hand, was such a lovely warm pink shade with mauve undertones that I could not seem to leave behind. Oops!)

You may be wondering....why amethyst? Well, I have always found colour therapy and the meanings behind certain colours to be fascinating. They can reveal certain aspects of our personalities and bring forward specific emotions and intentions. According to an article on the colour purple, it is "the colour of imagination and spirituality" while amethyst "protects the vulnerable and assists the humanitarian." Though I am not entirely sure why this shade was so essential at that particular time....I have really been enjoying these nail polish colours. Over the last few weeks, I've been wearing variations of the three polishes pictured above. It has been fun to wear them alone or mixed together to create a calming and inspiring nail look.

Nail polish is a great way to treat yourself, ease your worries, and have a little fun. Lately, these new shades have been impressing me with their gorgeous finishes, staying power, and colours.

Beyond nail polish, there is something else that has been making me smile. That is the fact that I just celebrated my three year anniversary on YouTube! That's right...my channel has officially been going for three years. Pretty amazing. Take a look at my latest video celebrating this milestone.

What nail colour are you wearing right now? Have you tried any of these?


  1. Great post! Photos are amazing :)
    Followed you back :)
    Hope you'll leave a comment here --> http://beautyshapes3.blogspot.hr/2018/02/royal-turtleneck-sweater-outfit-zaful.html#comment-form

  2. Yes, I agree! Doing my nails is so therapeutic and definitely responds to the mood I'm in that day.

  3. Happy Anniversary, Shannon:) And although I don't wear polishes much lately, I so agree that it's such a great pick me up. Like lipstick, it's just the perfect thing when you want to get something and not break the bank, you know? Digging that Sally Hansen shade so much.

  4. Hi dear! Congratulations on your 3 years on Youtube! *-*

  5. Hi! Those metalic shades are very nice.
    I hope you visit my blog soon. Have a nice day!

  6. Love this post❤


  7. These are all so beautiful! I really love the Sally Hanson one, it's going to be perfect for the spring! Wow already 3 years on youtube!!! Wishing you many, many more successful years of blogging and vlogging!
    Have a nice day :-)
    xo from Italy,
    Sonia Verardo

  8. Hey beautiful! Really amazing tips! Congratulations for the post and the pretty blog!

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    If so, please subscribe at my channel on YouTube and I'll follow you in your channel, blog, pinterest, etc!


    Just subscribe on it and leave a message to me, I'll know it and retribute S2!!


  9. Great post http://www.ludatischenko.com

  10. They're all beautiful colors, i specially love the pink one ^^
    Congrats for the 3 years in Youtube!


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