Monday, February 12, 2018

stunning date night makeup ideas for valentine's day

Tonight is the night. You have a get-together with someone special. (Or someone not so special. Only time will tell!) That means putting on your favourite outfit and spending a little extra time in front of the mirror. That’s right. Tonight is date night! Not sure how you want to do your makeup? Take a deep breath and relax. These stunning makeup ideas will inspire your Valentine’s Day look - and help you feel like your best and most beautiful self.

Date Night Makeup: Pink and Pretty

Makeup is versatile. It is a great way to express your personality and showcase how you feel. Are you feeling fun and flirty tonight? Then opt for a makeup look that is fresh and girly. Sweep a soft pink shadow over the eyelids. Layer tons of mascara on your upper and lower lashes for a bold yet pretty look. Skip the eyeliner and focus on the cheeks instead. Grab a classic pink blush shade and dab it onto the apples of the cheeks. Finish off your date night look with a medium pink shade. Amp it up with a shimmery gloss or wear alone. This makeup look is sure to grab attention! 

Date Night Makeup: Neutral Done Right

If there is one thing I love, it has to be neutral makeup. Before you skip past this paragraph…wait! Neutral does not mean boring, bland, or barely there. It is all about using nude shades in a bold and exciting way. Grab a smokey eye palette and apply a medium brown eyeshadow shade all over the lid. Accent it with a deeper brown or black shadow. Add on a little liner and a coat of mascara. On the cheeks, stick to a bronzed blush and finish off with a caramel lipstick shade. Sultry, gorgeous, and absolutely stunning.

Date Night Makeup: Subtle Retro

Still haven’t found the right makeup look for your date? This next idea could be the one. Give your makeup look a little retro flair. Create a bold cat-eye wing (read my tutorial on how to achieve the perfect cat eye liner if you are feeling unsure) with your liquid liner and add on some false eyelashes. Here's a tip: accent lashes are great for a little extra pop without looking too over the top. Next, use a berry toned blush on the cheeks.  Grab a red tinted lip balm and add in some colour on the lips. Why a tinted balm instead of a full-blown lipstick? This will keep your makeup subtle but still give you that retro look.

Are you ready for a Valentine's Day date night? Now you are! With these gorgeous makeup looks to test out and try, you will look stunning wherever you go.

xo Shannon


  1. ;)

    Adorei essas ideias de makes!

    Ótima segunda!

    Beijo! ^^

  2. Hi dear! This makeup for valentine's day it's WOW !

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

  3. I love the eyeshadow so much, so good for valentine day!

    1. It is definitely a gorgeous look! Thank you for your comment!

  4. So agree about certainly doesn't mean boring! You can do so much with a neutral palette and it's such a classic that it never looks dated in pictures:)

  5. Nice proposals, I choose subtle retro:)

  6. great post,maybe follow for follow

  7. Good post, dear!

    Have a nice day

  8. Love this makeup! :)

  9. Nice foto


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