Friday, March 2, 2018

beginner series: perfecting the no-makeup makeup look

Do you like bold makeup looks? Over the top? Dramatic? Those looks are great…but every now and again it is nice to rock the no-makeup makeup look. You know, something natural, fresh, and pretty. After wearing heavy eyeliner and false lashes day in and day out, something simple can feel like a breath of fresh air. The no-makeup look is perfect for days when you are running late or just want to keep it simple and sweet. Today, why not ditch the smokey eye look? It is time to perfect no-makeup makeup.

Start With The Skin. When it comes to gorgeous and natural looking makeup, it is essential to start with the skin. Everything else can be skipped so long as you have gorgeous and glowing skin. Apply a moisturizer all over the face and give the product a minute or two to sink in. Then grab a BB Cream or a light to medium coverage foundation. Using a small stipple brush (or for a super natural look try blending in the product with your fingers) create a thin layer, blending well. Grab a concealer to hide dark under eye circles or blemishes and dust a thin layer of powder over top. You can stop there or go one step further by adding a highlight to the cheeks.

Focus On Your Brows. Well-groomed and defined eyebrows are in. That doesn’t mean you need to dramatically overdraw them or fill them in to perfection. Use a light hand. Grab your favourite brow kit or even an eyeshadow shade one shade lighter than your natural brow colour. Use an angled brush to fill in any sparse areas. Brush through with a brow gel or brow wax for hold and ta da – runway ready eyebrows. This step might seem unimportant but gorgeous eyebrows can make or break any look.

Keep The Rest Super Simple. What to do next? If you really want, you can stop there. Just add on a tinted lip balm and enjoy your day. Or you can take things just a little bit further! It all depends on what you prefer. To keep going, apply a shimmery champagne coloured eyeshadow all over the lid. Then apply one coat of mascara. Finish it all off with a soft almost rosy-nude blush on the apples of the cheeks. Remember, the whole point of no-makeup makeup is to look as gorgeous and natural as possible. It might be tempting to go overboard, but resist!

There is nothing wrong with wearing tons of makeup. Just like there is nothing wrong with toning it down. Want to wear the no-makeup makeup look to work, on a date, or out with friends? Just keep these tips in mind. Your natural beauty will be front and centre.

On a totally opposite is a huge drugstore makeup haul that went up on my YouTube channel. Take a look and let me know what you think!

Are you a fan of the no-makeup makeup look? Or do you prefer something a little more dramatic?


  1. Omg, wonderful makeup look! U are so beautiful!
    Enjoy in weekend! New post is on my blog! ♥
    Visit me, Malefica

  2. I'm a big fan of the no-makeup look:) And OMG! So jealous of all your haul:) Want that NYX Toronto palette.

    1. It is definitely a great makeup option! And thank you! The Toronto palette has been a lot of fun to play around with.

  3. I love this type of makeup!
    Following your blog now <3 hope you can follow back!

    Blog ♡ SimplyNeca | Instagram

  4. I am also the fan of the naturally flawlessly look too. At the moment, I'm more focused on improving the quality of my skin by drinking a ton of water, washing my face more often and using oils....etc. As for eyebrows, would you say highlighting them is too much? I have really sparse eyebrows, you see and so by just filling them in, they're look really strange.😀😕 Thanks for sharing these tips, anyway😊

    #sweetreats xxx

    1. Those are definitely some great steps to be taking! Skin care is honestly half the battle. I don't think highlighting your brows will be too much at long as they are filled in rather than drawn in, in that "Instagram" style. Hope that helps!


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