Saturday, March 31, 2018

four movies to watch this easter

There is no right or wrong way to celebrate Easter. Every family has their own unique traditions. It could be enjoying a specific meal or dessert. Or going to a religious service. Spending the day with loved ones. Decorating the house with fluffy stuffed bunnies and plastic eggs. The list goes on and on. One tradition to start this year? Take time to watch some holiday themed movies. They will put a festive twist on the Netflix and chill mentality. Don’t know where to start? No problem. Here are four movies to add to your to-do list this Easter.

Watch This Easter Movie: It’s The Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown. Only have time for one Easter themed flick? Then make sure it is Charlie Brown and Co. It’s The Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown is an absolute must. It shows how Charlie Brown and his friends get ready to celebrate the holiday. Plus there is the iconic Easter egg hunt scene! This is something the whole family can watch. Little ones, young adults, and grown ups too. Everyone will be entertained from start to finish. Don’t have it on DVD? That’s okay. This holiday special will be playing throughout the Easter weekend. Just check your local TV listings for the exact times.

Watch This Easter Movie: Hop. This next movie is fairly recent (it was released in 2011) but it has all the makings of a holiday classic. It tells the story of the soon-to-be Easter bunny – who has dreams of making it big in Hollywood. The film blends live actors with animated animals. That creates the perfect mix of reality and fantasy. With an all-star cast (James Marsden and Kaley Cuoco to name a few) this is a movie everyone can enjoy. Music, dancing, and tons of animated cuteness. What more could you possibly need?

Watch This Easter Movie: Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory. Okay, so this is not technically an Easter themed movie. It is entirely focused on chocolate and candy, however. That is more than enough reason to watch it on Easter! Pop in the DVD, grab a chocolate bunny from your Easter basket, and enjoy. Willy Wonka is a classic. It will make you laugh, smile, and totally appreciate your sweet tooth. A word of advice? Stick to the original 1971 version of the film rather than 2005’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. You will have a fun and fabulous Easter celebration!

Watch This Easter Movie: The Greatest Story Ever Told. Now for something more serious. There are many films based on the life of Jesus Christ. This might be something you want to add to your Easter movie-watching day. It all depends on how you celebrate. The Greatest Story Ever Told is definitely one of the best, if you are after something beyond chocolate and bunny rabbits. This film showcases the life of Jesus Christ. There is plenty of drama and action - and incredible scenery as well. Plus you can try to spot some of the A-list cameos throughout the film. You might be surprised who you will find gracing your television screen.

Easter is one of my all-time favourite holidays. I love the bright colours, the time spent with family, and of course, all of the sweets. Many of these movies have become a part of my own traditions....and now they can be part of yours as well. 

Which will you watch? How do you celebrate Easter?


  1. Great suggestions, but I think I'll have to update my list of movies, ihihih
    Happy Easter, Kisse 😘

    1. Glad you liked them! I hope you had a good Easter.

  2. Happy Easter! Lovely post dear!
    Have a great week! xoxo

    New post is on blog!

    1. Happy Easter! I hope you are having a wonderful day :)

  3. Gorgeous recommendations darling!I posted one film review today,you can check that :)

  4. Of all of them i've just watched willy wonka & the chocolate factory,
    i love it it's one of my favourite movies! great recommendations

    1. It is one of my favourites, too! I love to watch that movie.

  5. Happy belated Easter, dear! I love these movie suggestions, I have to watch them these days. :)

    1. To you as well! I hope if you watch any of these, you enjoy them :)

  6. Happy Easter dear 😍


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