Wednesday, March 14, 2018

gentle ways to remove your makeup.

It can be tough. Removing your makeup, that is. Some products force you to tug and pull on the skin. Others cause you to rub, rub, and rub some more. (And there is still be waterproof mascara left over!) If you are anything like me, you want smooth, healthy-looking skin day after day. To achieve this....gentle makeup removal is a must. Here are a few ways to make it happen.

Try Cleansing Water First. There are a number of makeup removers on the market today. While they often work effectively, they can also be hard on your skin. That leads to issues like irritation and redness. So pick up a cleansing water instead. From Dior Instant Cleansing Water to the many Micellar water options, there are always plenty of choices. These products lift makeup away from the skin, which means less of that pulling and tugging that can cause premature wrinkles and irritation.

Use a Soothing Gel Based Product. Still looking for the gentlest way to get rid of makeup? Focus on soothing products that are geared towards sensitive skin. Even if you don’t have it! Why? Those words automatically let you know that the product will be gentle and mild. One great option is a gel-based makeup remover. Soothing, refreshing, and effective. Your makeup will melt right off.

Look For Super Gentle Makeup Wipes. One of the great things about makeup wipes has to be the convenience. Unfortunately, many of us choose wipes that are too harsh. Some have exfoliating beads (that you don’t need to use while you remove eye makeup) or are simply not damp enough. How can you find the right ones? Look for wipes with natural ingredients, have soothing properties, or are infused with moisturizers. Another option is to use baby wipes instead. 

DIY Your Own Makeup Remover. Don’t trust the products on the shelves? That is totally okay. There are plenty of other options. Like making your own makeup remover, for instance. Yes, you can DIY your very own gentle cleanser. Mix one cup of water, one and a half tablespoons of baby shampoo, and a dash of baby oil. Dab your washcloth into the solution and remove your makeup with ease. For more homemade eye makeup removers, check out this article

There are so many ways to say so long to your makeup at the end of the day. With the right products on hand, tugging and rubbing your eyes will be a thing of the past.

Something else I wanted to share with you all today? My latest YouTube video. It is a haul of some Paris Hilton makeup! This week, I will be showing you everything that I have picked up over the last little while...and next week will be a full blown review. For now, here is the haul.

How do you remove your makeup?


  1. Great informative post dear!

    I'm currently using a cleansing balm from Eve Lom and totally loving it.

    1. Thank you so much! That balm sounds fabulous. I will definitely need to check it out.

  2. Aww thank you for the support! I really appreciate that. I'm following you :)

  3. Hi! Thank you for your advices, I will do the DYI you've recommended! I would love that you could check it out my blog because I'm starting at it! XO

    1. Wonderful! I will definitely check out your blog :)

  4. Great post dear :)
    What cool make-up products, I liked everything.

    - Helena Primeira
    - Helena Primeira Youtube
    - Primeira Panos

  5. Great tips, dear. It is always important to remove makeup every night. Love your video!

    The Flower Duet

    1. It really is! Just taking that extra time can make a huge impact on the look and feel of the skin. Thank you for reading!

  6. Great information. Love the process of DIY makeup remover.


  7. Great post, fantastic ways to remove make up:)

  8. It really can be tough! Thank you for making this post, very interesting! I wish you an amazing day :)

    Happy But Mess

    1. Absolutely! Remembering to take off my makeup (and use the right products) is a daily struggle! Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  9. Nem achei, viu?! hahaha! ;D

    Gostei. Boas maneiras!

    Ótima quinta!

    Beijo! ^^

  10. Hi Shannon
    Yeah it's really hard sometimes to remove makeup. I gonna try to test your DIY idea of make up removal.
    It's my first time here and I loved your blog so much that I just follow :)
    Would you follow me back?
    Regards from Brazil

    1. Awesome! I hope it works out for you. Following you <3

  11. Thanks for sharing your tips, Shannon! :)

    Visit me at:
    Shoot for the stars | ☆ ☆ ☆ | Facebook page

  12. Great tips:) I use cleansing oil usually to remove my makeup, and wipes when we travel.
    PS Thank you so much about the heads up on the Paris Hilton cosmetics. I didn't even know she has a makeup line out. Will definitely check it out when I go to Winners next time.


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