Monday, March 26, 2018

love it or leave it? candace cameron bure

I'm not afraid to admit it. Over the last little while, my adoration of Candace Cameron Bure has transformed into a full blown obsession. Whether I am watching re-runs of Full House (or Fuller House, which I have already seen multiple times), catching up on her Hallmark movies, reading her books, or following her Instagram story.....there is just something about her! She radiates positivity and confidence. Not to mention amazing style. In the past, I have highlighted her head-turning fashion but after her appearance at the 2018 Kids Choice Awards, I knew it was time to dedicate a love it or leave it post to the incomparable, Candace Cameron Bure.

What I Love: Can I just start by saying, wow? Honestly, I was super shocked when pictures were posted from the event, because this is super out of the box for Candace. She is normally more lace and fitted dresses than something so bold. Perhaps that is why E! called it her "edgiest look yet." And it definitely is. It pairs a cropped white t-shirt with a ruffled leather skirt - such a flawless combo! Her hair is relaxed and her makeup looks dramatic but not too over the top. She also uses smaller accessories to add a bit of glamour to this otherwise (pardon my language) badass outfit.

What I Loathe: That clutch. Yikes! While I love it as a separate piece, against the skirt with the grommets and leather ruffles, it is too much. Ditto the shoes. While I absolutely adore those boots, the black laces (when paired with that dynamic skirt) create a busy finish overall. Such a shame, since for the most part, this outfit is seriously fabulous.

Overall, I am into this outfit. I especially like that Candace Cameron Bure took a fashion risk and stepped out of her comfort zone a little bit. That is certainly something to admire! I just wish the clutch and shoes were a little less busy so the skirt remained the primary focal point.

On another note, my latest YouTube video is up and it is all about some new makeup that has entered my life lately. Including a rainbow highlighter! Take a look....

What do you think? Love it or leave it?

Editing Note: Despite the fact that Full House is a long-time love of mine, I no longer support Candace Cameron Bure on a personal level, due to her exclusionary beliefs. 


  1. I dont know her but you re right that clutch doesnt work.
    Xoxo from Portugal

    1. It's so disappointing because the clutch is super cute!

  2. Great post

  3. I used to love Full House and loved the whole cast. Haven't really followed Candace too much but from what I've heard, she turned out the be one of the child actors who's became a lovely adult.:) And so curious about that highlight powder you got. The colours are super cute:)

    1. Yesssss. Full House is such a great show. Have you watched Fuller House at all? If you enjoyed the original when you were young, the reboot will absolutely take you back to that time and place!

  4. Hi dear! I did not know Candace Cameron Bure but I also love this style!

    1. So glad you like it! She definitely knows her fashion :)

  5. Not exactly my cup of tea when we talk about this outfit, but oh well, that’s just my taste. :)

    1. To each their own! That is the great thing about style...everyone sees it differently!


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