Tuesday, March 20, 2018

the struggle ends when gratitude begins.

Generosity is a gift that never goes unnoticed. Lately, I've been feeling especially grateful for the wonderful things in my life. From random early morning conversations...to small tips from regular customers...to a random bag of goodies from a good friend....to time spent with the people that know me best. The list goes on and on. These acts of kindness and generosity have gone far beyond momentary happiness. They have restored my faith in the world. They have made me want to put that same kind of love and positivity back into the universe.

It isn't easy to be grateful when we live in a world that encourages comparison and competition. This need to be better than everyone else often results in a sense of lack. We always need more. We always want more. We are rarely (if ever) satisfied with what we have. That is what society seems to expect from us, but that isn't how we need to live our lives. More and more, I am working towards a life of gratitude. To me, that means being happy for what I have, knowing that I own more than enough material possessions, and being thankful for every moment. Sometimes it feels like an uphill battle...but the fight is worth it.

Need a little more gratitude in your life? Want to spread the love and be a positive presence in someone else's life? Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind.
  • Keep a Gratitude Journal. At the end of each day, write down five things you are grateful for. It could be hitting all green lights on your way to work or being surrounded my family that loves you. Not only is this gratitude journal a great way to end each day...but whenever you are feeling down, you can flip through the pages, and remember how blessed you really are.
  • Aim For Three (Small) Good Deeds Per Day. It is time to add a little joy to the world! One of the easiest ways to feel good (and grateful for what you have) is to give to others. Try to do three small things per day, like texting a friend with a compliment, smiling at a stranger, or donating old clothes to a shelter. Spread goodness and the gratitude will follow.
  • Stop and Smell the Roses. Can't seem to get this gratitude thing down pat? That's okay....just take a minute to stop and smell the roses. Go for a walk outside and really pay attention to your senses. What do you see? Smell? Hear? Allow yourself to be in awe of the wonders that surround you. Before you know it, you will feel inspired, grateful, and ready to make this world a better place. 
  • Read Gratitude-Related Quotes. Nothing beats a good quote! If you are struggling to find reasons to be grateful, do a quick Google search for "gratitude quotes" or "positive quotes." There are so many quotes, sayings, and words that can inspire you and remind you of how much there is to be thankful for. 
It amazes me how the smallest moments can create the biggest change. The little things really do add up...so spread kindness and let people know that they matter. Be grateful for the wonderful things in your life and be a blessing to others.

Is gratitude on your resolutions list for 2018? How will you share the love? 


  1. Nice post, my friend.
    Have a nice week. :)

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    1. Thank you so much! Hope you have a wonderful week as well :)


  2. Fantastic, amazing, superb!
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  3. Hear hear. I keep a gratitude journal, and it does really change the way you think and make you realize how there are so many things in our day-to-day lives that we should be thankful for.
    PS I gotta get my hands on that Glow Goddess palette!

    1. That is amazing! I love that you keep one already. And you are so right about that...it puts things into perspective and reminds us to be thankful for all of the wonderful things in our lives.

  4. Yes, gratitude is on my list!
    Lovely post doll!
    Kisses, Paola.


    1. I am so glad to hear thank! Thank you so much for visiting!

  5. Amazing post, dear! A big hello from Germany!
    Hugs ♥
    LIANA LAURIE | My new video

  6. Wow such an amazing post! Lovely tips ;)
    You have such a cool blog! I love your vibe! I am following and I would love if you could follow me too :) xoxo

    TheNotSoGirlyGirl // Instagram // Facebook

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. Following you back :)

  7. Great posthttp://www.ludatischenko.com

  8. Love the idea of a gratitude journal! And congrats on 80,000 views, wow!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. It really makes a difference! And thank you!! :)

  9. You're right... being grateful is key to a happy life. I like to be grateful by counting my blessing before I go to bed each night.


    1. That is such a wonderful idea! Taking time to really think about your blessings before you go to sleep sounds like the perfect way to end the day.

  10. I agree with you Shannon! There are so many things in our lives to be grateful for! Even the smallest things! Or things that we often give for granted! It's all about the perspective one has on life! With a little bit of positive attitude our mood can change a lot and so the course of our lives. I had the idea of starting to write a gratitude journal when my Dad passed away, and getting through the day was very difficult. I used to concentrate on things such as: Today the sun is shining, or the simplest things like that! It really made a difference. Now I'm only concentrated on things I'm grateful for and in my heart I give thanks for those things every day! xo from Italy, Sonia Verardo

    1. Wow, thank you so much for sharing that. I am so glad that a gratitude journal was something that helped you heal and get through such a difficult time. It's amazing how a shift in perspective can really alter our lives in a positive way. These days, when I am feeling off or in a bad mood, I like to take a minute for gratitude and usually when I am finished....I feel good about things! It really is all about perspective, you are so right. <3

  11. So beautiful!
    Have a nice rest of the week!
    Gil Zetbase

    1. Thank you! I hope your week is treating you well :)

  12. I really love your blog its amazing! beautyfull post :)
    kisses from Poland :*

  13. I really loved this post. I think gratitude is such a good quality.

    New post alert: www.glamourzone.org


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