Saturday, March 24, 2018

weatherproofing your wardrobe for spring

What is spring known for? Pastels, polka dots, and oh yeah…rain! While you might be eagerly anticipating those perfect days of sunshine (I know that I am) there are just as many days filled with grey storm clouds, rain, and thunder. It is all part of the territory. What is a fashion-loving girl to do? Incorporate weather resistant pieces into her everyday wardrobe. This is the most effective way to stay dry but still look Vogue ready. It is time to weatherproof your wardrobe from head to toe. Here are some of the very best - and most fashionable - ways to do it.

Find a Super Stylish Raincoat

What spring would be complete without a gorgeous raincoat to offset that rainy weather? There is nothing as disappointing as waking up to a grey sky…but thankfully there are tons of fun raincoats to make those cloudy days fade away. It is all about finding one that suits your style and personality. Into bold colours? Look for a raincoat in a vibrant pink, cobalt blue, or a fun and fresh yellow. Or you can play with prints by choosing a raincoat with polka dots, stripes, or a funky print like raindrops, frogs, or rubber duckies. You can go as crazy or subtle as you like. There are plenty of simpler raincoats in darker shades or a simple plaid print. Choose one that makes you smile on even the rainiest days.

Look For a Stylish Pair Of Rain Boots

Rain boots are one of the best ways to waterproof your wardrobe and still look great. These days, there is no shortage of options. High-end designers like Burberry and Gucci have their own rain boots for sale. So do fast fashion brands! Whatever budget you have to work with, you can still find a super stylish pair of rain boots to compliment any look. There are so many prints, colours, and styles to choose from. They are on trend, fashion forward, and stylish. How could you go wrong?

Choose an Umbrella To Match

Weatherproofing your wardrobe sometimes means co-ordination. So, take a look at the raincoat and rain boots that you have chosen. It doesn’t matter if you wanted a bold colour, a print, or something neutral. Now you need to find an umbrella to match! Look for something that will complete your look rather than detract from it. Ideally, you want to choose an umbrella that will compliment your rainy day must haves. It’s easier than you think. There are so many different umbrellas to choose from, including brand name designers and cheaper alternatives. Find one that works with your outfit.

Waterproof Your Hair and Makeup

The last step on your waterproofing journey? It is time to waterproof your hair and makeup. When it comes to hair, you can make the most of your umbrella or toss on a cute rain hat. Or you can embrace wet locks by braiding your hair. A tip? Avoid straightening or curling your hair because rain will instantly destroy your hard-earned styling. When it comes to makeup, choose waterproof products and finish it all off with a setting spray. The more you waterproof your look, the better.

Spring is an exciting time of year. Except for all of the rain. Stay dry and stylish all season long by waterproofing your look. These tips will keep you gorgeous, stylish, and ready to take on the world. 

Are you excited for spring? How will you weatherproof your style? 


  1. Fantastic tips. Great post, so nice and interesting! Like it!
    Have a nice weekend! ♥


  2. Great tips for spring! I hope spring will come soon :)!

    1. Me too! It's supposed to be spring already but it is still so chilly outside.

  3. Nice ppost

  4. Great tips, thanks for sharing! I love setting sprays for my makeup ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. They are definitely super helpful. Do you have a favourite?

  5. Hey dear!

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    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate that. Following you :)

  6. Nice and inspiring read, dear.
    Thanks for sharing!


  7. Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm now following you back. Thanks a lot<3


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