Sunday, April 8, 2018

FOTD featuring Katy Perry + Cover Girl

Music and makeup have long been loves of mine. When the two collide, it is pure poetry. That is the best possible way to describe the latest offerings from the Cover Girl and Katy Perry collaboration. In the past, she has released the Katy Kat Eye Mascara along with a line of glosses and lipsticks. Now? The collection includes both glitter and eyeshadow. Recently, I decided to create a makeup look that was both casual and glam, using the latest items from Katy Perry and Cover Girl.

The look included a bold red lip (courtesy of the Katy Kat Glam set, which includes a Katy Kat Gloss and a body glitter) and the brand new Katy Kat Palette.  The lip gloss is a vibrant red colour that is super pigmented and comfortable to wear. The shade is Ninth Life (got to love the cat references) and looks absolutely amazing. Though I didn't add the red glitter over top this time, it would be a quick and easy way to add that extra oomph to the lip look! Here's a tip: glitter lips are definitely well suited to the winter months and evening looks.

In addition to that gorgeous red lip gloss, there was the Katy Kat Palette in Hot Cat. This was not my first music-inspired eyeshadow palette, but it is without question one of the best. Though there was a brighter more colourful palette to choose from, I am obsessed with the warm shade selection in Hot Cat. There are browns, golds, champagne shades, taupe, grey, and even a rich black colour. These are fabulous for daytime and can be used in many different ways. Keep it simple, add some shimmer, or opt for a fabulous smokey look. For this face of the day (or FOTD), I focused on those shimmer gold shades and ran some of that deep brown underneath the lash line.

This look made me feel amazing. Though I don't reach for red lipstick all that often, when I do wear it, I seem to stand a little taller. (Just like the quote from Gwyneth Paltrow, "Beauty, to me, is about being comfortable in your own skin. That, or a kick-ass red lipstick.") Thanks to Katy Perry and Cover Girl, I have been reminded of the power of a gorgeous red lip. Paired with the warm neutrals from the Hot Cat palette, it created the perfect combination of simple and statement.

What do you think of this look? Have you tried anything from Katy Perry's Cover Girl collection?


  1. I didn´t know about this products before... and you have created a beautiful makeup look!!


  2. Estupendo post!!! !!Feliz semana precios@!!!❤💛💙

  3. Once again, I really am a fan of your eye makeup; it really accentuates your eye colour. The colours in the palette are beautiful but I can't say too much as you hadn't mentioned the price...? Anyways, thanks for sharing.

    #sweetreats xxx

    1. Thank you. I really appreciate that! The eyeshadow shades are seriously gorgeous - and I was very happy to be given it. I looked up the price online and it looks like it retails for about $7. Definitely affordable!

  4. The lipgloss looks so gorg on you!! Nice palette.

    Best, Gilda

    1. Thank you! The palette is seriously so gorgeous. I love it!

  5. Wow, what a terrific make up look, absolutely love it! <3

  6. Hello Shannon I wish I could do makeup like you. Very nice.


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