Friday, April 20, 2018

how to achieve happy hair this spring (with addcolo)

Life can get pretty hectic. Unfortunately, one of the first things we tend to neglect when our calendars fill up is hair. If we manage to find time (between work and an always hectic social life) to jump out of the shower and throw our hair up in a messy ponytail, that's okay, right? Not so much. You deserve gorgeous, enviable hair all season long. So, stop settling. It is time to spring clean your hair care routine with these tips for happy and healthy spring hair.

Tip #1: Don't be Afraid to Treat Yourself to a Wig or Extensions

You don't have to settle for the same old hairstyle, length, or colour. These days, there are plenty of easy ways to change things up. For instance, you can always rock a high-quality wig or add length using hair extensions if you have a special event coming up. Be open to trying something new and embracing a bold new look this spring.

Tip #2: Combat Springtime Humidity With Conditioner

Spring is all about transitioning from dry winter weather to lots of warmth and sunshine. That’s the good news. The bad news is that springtime weather can also cause humidity, which wreaks havoc on all hair types. Fine, thick, straight, or curly, the same is true. As the temperatures rise, you need to re-think your conditioning products. During the winter months, chances are, you were using products that added moisture to your hair. It’s time to say goodbye to those heavy conditioners. The best spring hair care products are designed for normal hair instead.

Tip #3: Head To The Salon For a Trim

Dreaming about healthy spring hair? Then you’ll need to schedule an appointment with your hairstylist as soon as possible. The reason for this is simple: winter weather can be tough on your locks. All of that dry air can cause plenty of hair damage. That means you will most likely need to have dead or dry ends cut off now that spring has arrived. Don’t worry – you don’t need to lose a ton of length to breathe new life into your hair. Just ask your stylist for a trim. It can help you say goodbye to split ends and leave you with beautiful, healthy hair.

Tip #4: Have Fun With Spring Hair Accessories

Accessories can be a lot of fun. Especially when it comes to your hair. That's right, you can have fun with your hair this season by getting creative with springtime hair accessories. There are so many to choose from. Plus, they are a quick and easy way to give your hair a boost of playfulness – and amp up your fun and flirty side. Things like a woven headband, clip in flowers, and sparkly bobby pins can totally change up your hairstyle. So, the next time you’re running behind schedule, don’t stress – accessorize!

Healthy spring hair is possible. With a few simple changes – and a bit of creativity – you can have the gorgeous hair you’ve always dreamed of. Try out these tips and you’ll have stunning hair all season long.


  1. Thank you so much for the wonderful post!
    Have a great weekend! xoxo

    1. Aww you are so welcome! I really appreciate your kind words. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend as well :)

  2. Great tips, my hair is a bit dry in hot weather. Will be printing this!

    The Flower Duet

    1. Oh mine as well. It can be a struggle! Glad you found these helpful!

  3. I do think the invention of wigs and extensions is such a great thing for women. It really makes it easy to change up your look without damaging your hair!
    Have a great weekend, Shannon:)

    1. It really is! Nothing better than a little versatility when it comes to hair :)

  4. Great post! I agree, very nice tips and hair ideas!

  5. great tips for keeping our hair healthy. I'm fortunate to have very healthy hair, but I think I need a trim!

    1. You are definitely super lucky to have such great hair! :)

  6. Very helpful tips! I have to try to wear more accessories as I have to confess I usually keep my hair very simple! have a nice weekend!

    1. I do as well! Accessories are totally on my radar this spring!

  7. A very nice blog and article. I always fight with hair, so supe tips.
    I immediately join my followers :)

  8. Thank you soo much for the great tipps <3 Great post!

  9. Thank you for sharing this easy and effective tipps!
    Isa | My Beauty Blog


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