Tuesday, May 8, 2018

current obsession: guess accessories

Some brands have a way of capturing your heart. They speak to you and light the spark of inspiration needed to push the boundaries of your own personal style. That is the best way for me to describe how I feel about Guess. What I love most about this specific brand is the fact that it manages to combine strength and femininity in the best possible way. Especially when it comes to their line of accessories. Often, they include bold statement pieces, sparkle, and just a hint of softness. As you can see from the photo above, there are a few new Guess accessories in my collection.

These two items were given to my by my wonderful parents as part of my Easter presents this year. (My mom fully understands my obsession with all things Guess and was able to find these beautiful pieces. Lucky me!) The first is a three-tiered necklace. The upper tier has a delicate gold chain and a gold heart with lots of sparkles, the second tier is a white and black marble-looking stone surrounded by sparkles, and the last is a longer and thicker chain with a gold piece and the trademark Guess logo. I absolutely love this piece. It's great because they can be worn together for a bolder look or worn individually for something a little more simplistic. This is a versatile piece that I have really been enjoying lately. Especially now that it is time to embrace all things related to spring style.

The second piece is admittedly my favourite of the two, because it ties in perfectly with my choker obsession. It is a soft pink velvet choker with different pins that can be swapped out and worn on the choker or as part of your outfit. It includes a heart shaped Guess logo pin as well as a sparkly rose pin, a bling covered bow, and even a bee. Between the colour of the choker and the pins themselves (some are romantic and others are nature inspired), this is not just a gorgeous Guess accessory but a fabulous springtime must-have.

Few things can rejuvenate your seasonal wardrobe like new accessories. A few subtle changes can mix things up and make existing pieces in your closet look like brand new items. One thing is for sure: these new accessories from Guess have been livening up my spring style lately!

In case you are looking for a little makeup inspiration, be sure to take a look at my latest YouTube video. It is a Try On featuring lots and lots of Hard Candy lip products. Let me know which shade you like best....

Are you a fan of Guess? What do you think of these pieces?


  1. I love Guess! That necklace is gorgeous - who doesn't love a choker?! <3

    Jade x

    1. I love Guess as well. Such a great brand! And thank you! You are so right....chokers are amazing!

  2. This necklace is gorgeous!:)

  3. lovely post dear! :)

  4. Replies
    1. You too! Hope the week is treating you well :)


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