Thursday, May 10, 2018

four tips to pull off mixed prints

The great thing about the Internet? There are so many incredible outfits to inspire your next look. Whether that inspiration comes from a celebrity appearance or a well-known blogger…. finding great fashion has never been easier. Lately I have been head over heels for mixed prints. I love the way pieces that traditionally would not be worn together somehow bring out the best in each piece. It works, even though it shouldn’t. Despite the popularity of this trend, it can seem tricky (if not impossible) to wear. How can you tell what goes and what doesn’t? Keep reading. These tips will help you pull off mixed prints all season long.

Start Small and Build Up Your Confidence. Mixing two prints together can be difficult enough, let alone mixing three or four prints seamlessly! Before you dive in headfirst, start out small. Try mixing black and white prints together. Maybe a black and white polka dot blouse with a black and white gingham print skirt. Or black and white stripes on top and a black and white cross print on the bottom. Starting with similar colour families ensures the prints work together cohesively.

Choose One Dominant Print. Not all prints are made the same or have the same scale. One pair of pants might have a large and oversized floral print while another may have a daintier floral print. Use these differences to your advantage! When you are just starting to mix prints, choose one print to be the dominant one. Pick a larger print on either the top or bottom. Then pair it with a print that is smaller and less obvious. This will help you mix prints worry free.

Break It Up With Solid Sections. The best way to mix prints with ease is to include a solid colour. Even though there is still plenty of print going on, it doesn't need to take over the entire piece. When in doubt, break things up with solid colours. That might mean an accessory in a solid colour, a blazer, or another part of your outfit. Not only will this make the prints pop more – but it will give you the balance you crave.

Go As Far As You Feel Comfortable. The real key to mixing prints well is to trust your gut. You don’t need to layer on every single print in your closet to look fashion forward. Try things out, get creative, and play around. Then make decisions based on the way you feel in the outfit. Love the way two specific prints look together? Can’t get enough of that tropical print with stripes? Follow your heart and only go as far as you feel comfortable. After all, fashion isn’t just about following trends. It is about representing who you are.

There are so many great ways to embrace prints, patterns, and colour. And even more amazing ways to put it all together. How will you wear mixed prints this season?


  1. Great post

  2. That's honestly a cool outfit, loving the combination :D

    1. I love it, too! Definitely a great source of inspiration :)

  3. Great tips my dear ;)
    I have love mixing prints lately and I find it really helpful.
    Thank you for sharing this.


    1. So glad they were helpful to you! Mixing prints can be a little scary but so worth it when the right outfit comes together.

  4. Such great tips, I'd love to be bolder with my print wearing

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate that :)

  6. Hi Shannon! Interesting tips. Good Weekend!

    1. Thank you! I hope you have a great weekend too :)

  7. Mixing prints is something I struggle with, sometimes I put together an outfit just to find it doesn't work at all when wearing the pieces haha, this is such a great guide! I'd love to be able to get creative and wear bolder prints :D xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara

    1. Oh, I hear you on that! I think it is so important to try, though. The more often you try to mix prints, the easier it will all start to come together!

  8. ;D

    Adorei as dicas!

    Ótima sábado!

    Beijo! ^^

  9. Wow!! great tips. sometime i tried to mix ,it looks good.thanks for sharing.
    Happy week end.
    My Blog | Instagram | Bloglovin

    1. So glad they were helpful to you! Have a great weekend!

  10. Very interesting post. So beautiful and cute... kisses

    Follow for follow? <3

    1. Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the support.

  11. These are great tips on how to mix prints, Shannon:) I love mixing bold ones with more subtle ones. I don't think I can pull off doing both at once, but I've seen people do it and the outfits always look so fab:)
    Hope you're having a lovely Saturday so far.
    PS You will love Infinity War for sure, but yeah....the crowds can be crazy!

    1. Thank you so much! I love that you are so playful with prints. That is awesome. And great tip about mixing a bolder one with a softer one. Definitely a wonderful way to start! :) :)

  12. All four of these tips should prove very helpful!
    I remember feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of complementary versus clashing colours and designs after laying a lot of different outfit pieces with prints out on a bed.
    I like your methodical approach to styling mixed prints. The gingham blazer and shorts look fabulous styled with the peaches-print white blouse in the outfit photo above!

    1. Well, I am glad you found them helpful! I totally understand that feeling of being overwhelmed by colours and patterns. It definitely takes practice :)


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