Saturday, May 19, 2018

hard candy week: mini reviews of new products

It is hard to believe, but this is the final post in my Hard Candy week series. Time flies when you are talking about makeup! Since starting this themed week, we have looked at old posts, eyeshadow palettes, the Fox In a Box line, and now? It is time to do a few mini reviews of new products from the line. That includes a highlighting trio, a foundation stick, and a glitter lip top coat. So, if you have been eyeing these items at the drugstore but weren't sure whether or not to take the plunge....this post is for you.

Just Glow Baked Highlighting Trio in Cruisin' the Coast

Quite frankly, I had pretty high expectations for this highlighting trio. There were several different options to choose from, including a really warm toned one and a silver and white inspired trio. But to start, I decided to try out the one that seemed like it would get the most use from my collection. Cruisin' the Coast features a warm golden shade, a golden-toned white, and a coral colour. Each set comes with a Hard Candy brush (which is wonderful, by the way. It has really soft bristles and applies the product beautifully) and comes in fairly basic white plastic packaging. 

There was no doubt about it. I was going to love these. Until I opened up the package and swatched each shade on my hand. They felt dry. There was no pigmentation. My heart absolutely sank. How could I have been so wrong about this Hard Candy highlighting set? Well, it turns out my disappointment was for nothing. While these do not swatch well, they look incredible when actually applied on the cheeks. They add a subtle wash of colour, a glowing finish, and tons of shimmery goodness. By the time I decided that I was going to pick up the other available sets...they were all sold out. Alas! I am still hoping they will re-stock them soon, because I really enjoy this set. Plus, it is great to have with you during travel. 

Rating: 4 /5 

Look Pro! Bare It All Foundation + Concealer Stick

I am all for beauty products that simplify my morning routine. Why? When I wake up (very early) in the morning and have ten minutes to apply my makeup before work, I don't want anything overly fussy or complicated. For me, the foundation and concealer stick was appealing because not only was it a two in one product but the other side of the stick had a built in buffing brush. That means, I could even toss this into my purse to touch up later in the day. Score! 

After using it, this is something that I am enjoying, though I don't find myself using it first thing in the morning. Though the formula is very very creamy and blends well with the brush (though reviews have been mixed with some people finding that the texture is quite hard), it doesn't work well all over my face. This is because I have dry skin, so this is a no-go on the forehead. Everywhere else, it works like a dream. I think once the summer months roll around and my skin is not so high maintenance, this product will work for the function I originally hoped it would. Until then, it is a fantastic item to keep with me on the go. If nothing else, it will remain a purse staple.

Rating: 3 /5

Glitteratzi Liquid Sparkler in Spark

Sometimes, I think glitter is my best friend. It doesn't matter what form it comes in (eyeshadow, loose glitter, eyeliner, or a top coat), I absolutely must have it. That is exactly what happened when I saw the line of Glitteratzi top coats. Even though I own many different types already, like the amazing ones from Urban Decay, this was a product I felt compelled to try. For starters, there was the gorgeous packaging. It came in a sparkly box and has a studded black cap. Glitter and studs, oh my! So, when it came to first impressions, this made a good one.

As for the product itself, it is very similar to the Urban Decay glitter top coats in my collection. (But it was a fraction of the cost.) These have a nice amount of colour payoff as well as an intense amount of glitter. They can be worn alone or paired with a lipstick to create a bolder, more dynamic look. These aren't limited to use on the lips, either. They can also be worn on the eyebrows, cheeks, as an eyeliner, or eyeshadow, or really....anywhere you want to add on some glitz and glam. Just be careful as once you apply the product, it is there to stay. This dries quickly and takes a lot of scrubbing to remove. 

Rating: 4 /5

Hard Candy is a brand that means a lot to me. Not did their products make up a lot of the earlier items in my makeup collection but they continue to impress with lots of new releases, trendy options, and quality items. Though not every single Hard Candy product knocks my socks off, there are far more hits than misses. And honestly, their makeup brings me lots and lots of joy.

Something else Hard Candy related? My latest YouTube video! This week, I decided to do a little perfume review for some fragrances in my collection. That includes one from Tiffany & Co. and one from (you guessed it), Hard Candy. Take a look and let me know what you think....

On that note, thank you so much for joining me for Hard Candy week here on Mansa Fashion. Be sure to let me know if there are any other theme weeks or makeup brands you would like featured here in the future!


  1. Great post - that Glitteratzi Liquid Sparkler looks like something I should try :)
    -Jenna <3

    1. It really is fabulous! And a more affordable option on the market, for sure.

  2. Great review and video, dear! I like Hard Candy products.

    The Flower Duet

    1. Thank you so much! Hard Candy is such a great brand :)

  3. Great post dear! The products seem really nice and I really like your video :)

  4. I love the highlighter trio. It's really a great product. Have you ever tried Hard Candy Glamoflauge concealer? It's one of my Holy Grail products. Definitely the most full coverage concealer I've ever used. 😊

    xo, Jessica Blantonh
    Hustla, baby.

    1. It is! And oh my gosh, YES. That is one of my all-time favourite concealers. Super full coverage and it doesn't look cakey or over the top. I love it!

  5. Hopefully the foundation stick work for you during the summer months! I'm glad the highlighter trio worked in the end, It's such a relief when products work on skin! Plus they look very pretty! I hope you have a nice day :)

    1. I hope so, too! It was definitely a relief that it performed differently once I actually used it and applied it to the cheeks. Thank you so much for your comment :)

  6. Great post and review! I want to try this products

    Have a lovely day!
    Tsukiakari from

    1. Thank you! Hopefully you are able to try them out :)

  7. The highlighting trio looks promising!


    1. It is such a nice little trio! It will definitely be good for travel, I think!

  8. Great products darling, so nice and interesting!
    Look really useful.
    Enjoy in this weekend! ♥

    New post is on my blog! Visit me!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting! I hope you are having a great weekend as well :)

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words!

  10. Great post dear :) ♥


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