Wednesday, June 20, 2018

review: wet n wild coloricon palettes + hello halo liquid highlighter

There is no doubt about it....Wet n Wild has the best eyeshadows at the drugstore. For years, I have been reaching for shadows from this brand. (My first post featuring Wet n Wild dates all the way back to 2013, when I talked about the Petal Pushers palette.) So when I stumbled upon three new eyeshadow sets from the brand, I simply had to give them a try. There were actually quite a few other new items to choose from as well, which is how a liquid highlight also came home with me. How do these perform? Did they live up to my expectations? It is time to take a closer look at some new drugstore makeup releases.

Nude Awakening

I'll be honest and say that I hesitated before picking up this first palette. Dubbed the Nude Awakening palette (because it is full of nude and neutral eyeshadow shades), it looked beautiful. But it also looked like a lot of other palettes in my existing makeup collection. As much as I love many do I really need? That being said, I took the plunge, and am happy that I did. This contains two larger transition shades (a genius move) as well as a combination of matte and shimmer shades. Each one is quite pigmented and has a rich and creamy texture. I love that there is versatility in this palette with a combination of lighter, mid-tone, and dark tones. That makes it a great travel palette or something you can keep in your purse if you are on-the-go. 

Rating:  4.5/5

Rose In The Air

Lately, I have been all over warmer toned eyeshadow shades. Which is why the first of the three palettes that I tried out was this Rose In The Air one. Like the previous one, it has two larger transition shades as well as a combination of matte and shimmer shadows. This is such a gorgeous palette and the quality of the shadows are fantastic. These are richly pigmented and easy to blend. The shades that standout most to me are the three mattes on the bottom row. Though I am more into shimmer than matter, in general, these matte colours are incredible. I love the colours themselves and how easily they blend to create a seamless makeup look.

Rating:  5/5

Not a Basic Peach

By looks alone, this palette had everything I was looking for in a summertime palette. It contains a mixture of warm tones, neutrals, and even a stunning pop of colour with that turquoise shade. Gorgeous, right? Well, unfortunately, this palette is a little more hit and miss than the others. While all of the matte shades are impressive (creamy, pigmented, and blendable), the shimmer shades seem to have a very different texture than the ones in the previous palettes. For instance, the turquoise shade is not very pigmented at all and those warm shimmery shades on the bottom row have a coarse kind of feel to them. It is very strange that the other two palettes would perform so well and this one is kind of all over the place. That being said, there are some good shadows in here. Just stick to the mattes! 

Rating:  3/5

MegaGlo Hello Halo Liquid Highlighter in Rosy and Ready

The final item in this review post is the liquid highlighter in the shade Rosy and Ready. This comes in a glass container and has a doe foot applicator that can be used to apply a liquid highlight with ease. The packaging is fantastic because has a more luxurious look and is quick and easy to use. I love the inclusion of that doe foot applicator! Especially when I am getting ready in a rush. The colour itself is a pretty rose shade and it can double as a blush as well as a highlight. There were other shades available (like a bronze one that I debated on as well as more traditional highlight colours). This is something that I really enjoy and is a unique addition to my collection.

Rating:  4.5/5

Finished Look With the Rose In The Air Palette + Liquid Highlighter

Wet n Wild is a standout brand at the drugstore. Their eyeshadows impress more often than not and they are always putting out new products. With affordable prices (these palettes were around $6 CDN) and impressive quality...these new items are worth checking out. 

Are you a fan of Wet n Wild? Have you tried any of these?


  1. ;)

    Parecem ser produtos incríveis!

    Ótima quarta!

    Beijo! ^^

    1. They are really great products! Thank you so much for visiting.

  2. Replies
    1. Everything really is amazing! I was impressed overall! Thanks for your comment :)

  3. I love all these products , mainly the highlighter. it´s wonderful! | Instagram

    1. The highlight is super pretty! I cannot resist a gorgeous glowing highlight :)

  4. Oh very cute palettes darling

  5. I've known Wet n Wild for long time but haven't got chance to try it until now. Love the warm tone colors and it suits you well! Seems like it's very pigmented :)


    1. Wet n Wild is suuuch a great drugstore brand. They have a lot of really fantastic products. Thank you so much for the comment! :)

  6. интересные палетки

  7. Lovely palette and beautiful make up!
    Kisses, Paola.


  8. Fantastic post!

    Kisses ...

    Dilek .

  9. Amazing post dear,
    Have a great dear

  10. Hi! I usually like Wet N Wild products. I haven´t tried these palettes yet but they look great. I hope you´ll visit my blog soon.
    Have a nice day!

    1. They have so many fantastic products. I tend to be really impressed with their lines! Thank you for all of the support.

  11. This eyeshadow´s palette is stunning dear!

    1. It really is! Thank you so much for stopping by :)

  12. The palettes look so pretty! I love all the colors.

  13. These products look so good :) I really like them


    1. They really are good! Thank you for visiting :)

  14. Nice post

  15. Very cute palette, post is exellent.

    I follow you, follow me if you want

    1. Thank you for the support! I really appreciate it :)

  16. Looks amazing, I would love to try it out. :) Do you want to follow each other? Let me know on my blog so I can follow you back. <3

    The Fashion Spell | Instagram

  17. Replies
    1. They are really great and super affordable as well. Thank you!

  18. I like your make-up. And all 3 palettes. I think the best for me would be Rose in the Air, but the others also look good.

    My blog

    1. Thank you very much! Yes, Rose in the Air is such a gorgeous palette. I was really impressed with it.


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