Sunday, June 24, 2018

summer skin care tips.

Who doesn’t love the summer sun? As wonderful as it may be, the warm temperatures and harsh rays can be dangerous, causing premature wrinkles, sunspots, dry skin, and even skin cancer. There are so many reasons to keep your skin safe and protected this season! Wondering how to do it? These skincare tips will protect your skin day in and day out.

Never Skip Out On Sunscreen. The best way to take care of your skin this summer is to use sunscreen. Many of us skip this important step because we forget to apply it or we have an ill-advised plan to work on our tan. Make sunscreen a part of your everyday routine. Even if you aren’t planning to be outside for very long – the sun can do some serious damage. So apply it before you go outside, re-apply every few hours, and be sure to choose a product that shields you against both UVA and UVB rays.

Choose a Moisturizer With an SPF. A little protection can go a long way. The skin on our face tends to be fairly sensitive to the sun. Which is why it is so important to give it additional protection. Pick up a moisturizer with an SPF built into it and use it every single morning. This will maximize your sun protection, keep your skin hydrated, and prevent serious skin problems from ruining your picture perfect summer.

Protect Forgotten Areas. Okay, so you put sunscreen on your arms, legs, face, and neck. But there are other important areas, too. Like your hands and feet, ears, and hair line. Use a spray on sunscreen to cover these areas – and change your hair part throughout the day. Also, be sure to grab a lip balm with an SPF in it. That way you won’t be stuck dealing with sunburnt lips. Another important part of your skincare routine? Use an eye cream before bed. This will keep premature wrinkles (due to sun exposure and warm weather) at bay.

Use Fake Tanners Instead. Want to get a little darker this summer? That’s okay…. just be careful how you do it. Lying out in the backyard can cause serious to your skin, both now and in the long run. Use self-tanning products instead. There are plenty to choose from! It could be a gradual tanner, tinted moisturizer, or a bronzing cream. Shop around, do your research, and choose the best fake tanning method for you. You’ll get the colour you want without the skin problems. Talk about the best of both worlds.

Speaking of fake tanners! I actually did a YouTube video about my all-time favourite gradual tanner, the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer. In this video, I show you the before (aka me being pale) and after (gorgeous and glowing)....take a look.

Enjoy a stress-free summer by taking care of your skin. With a little preparation and the right products, you are sure to look gorgeous and glowing all season long.


  1. Nice post, I love summer so much but I always take a care to keep my skin safe.
    Check my new post.

    1. It's great that you pay close attention to your skin during the summer months!

  2. Aquele foi o primeiro produto que testei da marca. E adorei! ;)

    Bem bacanas as suas dicas de cuidados para a pele no verão!

    Ótimo domingo!

    Beijo! ^^

  3. Hi! You are beautifoul befor and after!

    1. You are super sweet! Thank you for your kind words :)

  4. I like your post

  5. I never get tanned during summer, instead i get red as a tomatoe!
    and i always use sunscreen and all sort of products that include spf!!
    thanks for your tips :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Oh, I definitely relate to that! Sunburns are something I am quite familiar with. Sunscreen is a must, for sure. Thank you so much for visiting!

  6. Thanks for reminding us of what matters while tanning, we always seem to forget some really important steps! :)

    1. So true! Sun care is super important once the warmer weather rolls around!

  7. Thanks for the tips, they're very useful! And you look great before and after ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. I am so glad you found them helpful! And thank you! :)

  8. The shareable tips are really great. Your blog is super cool!
    custom made white dress shirts

  9. Great tips for summer. Have a lovely day!

    Kathy's delight

    1. Thank you so much! I hope you have a wonderful day as well :)


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