Monday, June 18, 2018

why it's okay to break style rules.

There are rules for many things in life. Often, that includes fashion, style, and beauty. For years we have been told what is in, what is out, and what the basic rules are for looking good. Keeping up with it all can be overwhelming at time but in a way, it can also feel pretty limiting. General fashion rules dictate that we don’t wear white after Labour Day, have at least one little black dress in our closets, and that we should never mix gold and silver jewellery. Are you tired of following the rules? So am I.

Recently, I came across an article called, 7 Fashion Faux Pas To Avoid. In it, they gave some great advice on how to get out of a fashion rut. Instead of listing the regular fashion faux pas (you know, the rules), they included faux pas like only wearing designer fashions, mixing multiple trends, wearing shoes you can’t walk in, and so on. It was a great spin on the same old lists we see popping up in magazines year after year. This article got me thinking about the style rules.

Sure, they have their place. Following the rules can help you look stylish whether you are wearing a cute new sweater or some bold accessories. But the rules aren’t necessarily a good thing. By sticking to a set list of dos and don’ts, you can wind up limiting yourself. After all, fashion isn’t always about being in or out of style. It is about creating a look that reflects who you are.

It has become common for us to forget about the true meaning of fashion. Between things like runway shows, social media, magazines, blogs, online videos, and celebrities…. our own unique vision can get lost along the way. That is why it is so important to take a step back. Why do you wear what you wear? Is it because a certain piece is on trend or because you love the way you feel in it? Do certain colours or prints make you feel confident, sexy, and ready to conquer the world?

It doesn’t matter if you prefer baggy sweater dresses to slinky jumpsuits. The whole idea is to think about why you wear what you wear. Ultimately, you want your wardrobe to reflect who you are. That may mean breaking a few fashion rules every now and again, but that is okay! Failing to follow the rules doesn’t make you any less fashionable or stylish. It just means you know what you love. My advice? It is time for us to throw out the rules and wear what we love instead.

Do you follow the fashion rules? Or do you prefer to break them?


  1. I totally agree with you! I honestly don't follow any rules, I wear what I love and what I feel comfortable with. <3

    1. I love that. Feeling good is the most important thing!

  2. super interesting post!!

    Check out my latest blog post:

    xx Eva

  3. Hi Shannon, I enjoyed reading this post. Rules were made to be broken. In most cases I wear what I feel looks good on me.

    1. Aww thank you so much! They absolutely were made to be broken. I love that you follow your heart and wear what you enjoy.

  4. It is absolutely fine to break style rules. I mean, the most important thing is to feel good in the clothes you wear and to find your own style. :) xo

    P&P style ♡ ☯ ☮ --- DIY --- fashion --- and more --- ☮ ☯ ♡

    1. Totally agree with you! Fashion should feel powerful :)

  5. I like the things I use that is very simple for me~

  6. Interesting post, I follow the trends I like but I agree that it's okay to break the style rules, fashion is fun and we shouldn't take the trends too seriously, just have fun mixing and wearing what we want ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. I love that. Trends are a lot of fun but they shouldn't dictate what you do and do not wear. Love your take on this!

  7. totally ok.. lovely

  8. Nice post! ♡

  9. I totally agree with you! Wonderful post dear <3
    Beauty and Fashion Freaks

  10. Świetny post <3 bardzo mi się podoba :* oraz super blog :) obserwuję i zostaję tu na dłużej :D zapraszam

  11. Yes - I love this! It's always good to break the style rules and it's good to be creative with what you wear!

    Layla x

    1. Absolutely! That can lead to some truly incredible outfits, in my opinion!

  12. I agree with you. It's OK to break some rules and thanks to it the fashion changes through ages. ;-)
    But of course there are some faux-pas and I think it also depends on one's personality.

    My blog

    1. For sure! I think personality is a huge factor in style.


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