Monday, July 16, 2018

90s week: 1990s inspired #OOTD

The 90s have returned with a vengeance. Styles that were one dubbed vintage or hysterically outdated have become red hot fashion trends. From chokers to baby tees, mini backpacks, and velvet everything....there is no denying the impact this decade had made on the fashion and beauty industries. Since everything nostalgic is new again, it only makes sense to dedicate my latest theme week to the 1990s. This week, you can expect to see a 90s inspired outfit, a product review, a spotlight on classic trends, and my (admittedly large) choker collection. Ready to get started? Good! It is time to celebrate all things old-school.

1990s Inspired #OOTD

To kick things off right, the first post is dedicated to a 90s inspired outfit of the day. I actually wore the look out to play a mini golf and it was a hit! This #OOTD features:

  • Rugrats T-Shirt with Lace Sleeves. Believe it or not, this was actually found at Wal Mart for $13. It is a white Rugrats tee (with Tommy, Angelica, and Chuckie on the front) with gorgeous lace details on both the sleeves and the bottom of the shirt. If you want more Rugrats merch or can't find this specific design at your local store, check out the selection at Hot Topic. They have tons of awesome pieces, including a pink fuzzy Angelica backpack that has been on my wish list for ages!
  • Birth Stone Choker. Speaking of Hot Topic, the choker (pictured above) comes from there. This piece has a simple black band with a gorgeous birth stone in the centre. My sign is Scorpio so the stone tends to be pink. A quick Google search found that this is typically rhodochrosite, which is thought to open the heart to love. I love the simplicity of this accessory and the fact that the birth stone makes it a little more personal. 
  • Lime Crime Pocket Candy Eyeshadow Palette. Do you see that Polly Pocket inspired eyeshadow palette? I literally bought it because of the packaging. It was a throwback in the best possible sense. It reminded me of my youth and all of the days I spent playing with various Polly Pockets. Ahh, memories! Wondering what it looks like inside? That post will be coming a little later in the week, so stay tuned.
  • Pink Pretzel Earrings. These can be seen in the picture below and they come from Betsey Johnson. Though they aren't technically 90s...they have that same whimsical feeling the rest of the outfit has going on. I love the fun colour and the carefree design. 

Sometimes, it is fun to relax and be playful with your own personal style. The 90s resurgence is a wonderful way to do just that! So have fun, get inspired, and make the most of your summer. 

Are you a fan of the 90s? What do you think of this look?


  1. Great post dear. Kisses 😊

  2. So interesting post darling! So lovely photos, you are really beautfiul! Like it!


  3. Hi Shannon, I really love your makeup here, great post too.

  4. Great post.

  5. Since I never really left the 90's, I'm so happy that my preferences are back in style again....bwahaha! But seriously....that Rugrats shirt is awesome! I used to watch that show a lot. When we went to Universal in LA, me and my then-bf (now hubby) actually had a pic taken with Tommy and Lillian.:D

    1. HAHA, oh my gosh, same! There are so many 90s styles that I never gave up on. Like velvet! I am so happy that it is back in style now. Oh my gosh, you did?? That is so cool. I'm actually jealous!

  6. The nineties were a great decade fashion and entertainment wise! I love your make up and pretzel earrings! <3

    1. They really were! I absolutely love stuff from that time. Thank you <3

  7. lovely look! so 90s. I loved Rugrats when I was little. this top totally takes me back!

    1. Oh my gosh, I love that show too. And I just heard they are bringing it back. So exciting!

  8. OMG! that packaging of the eyeshadow is amaziiing! love this post, super original!! i love the 90s, i actually feel proud of being borned in the 90s lol! have a nice day! kisses :)

    My blog - Lalabetterdayz

    1. Right?? It is so fun! I bought it based on the packaging alone. Aww I love that you are proud to be a 90s baby. That is awesome!

  9. I loved Rugrats! :D Also like the 90s vibes. :)

    1. It was such a great show! And now I heard it is coming back!


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