Tuesday, July 24, 2018

beginner series: when to move on (makeup, brushes, and more)

Sometimes, it’s hard to let go. Your makeup collection is a part of your life. Day after day after day you reach for those much-loved products…. and for good reason. They help you unleash your creative side and have fun while you’re at it. No wonder so many of us struggle to toss out old beauty products. Maybe I’ll use it again! What if I can’t find a replacement? But they discontinued that shade! You deserve better. It’s time to let go of products that have surpassed their usefulness. This is your guide to moving on with ease….

Moving on: Makeup

Let’s start with the big one, makeup. Different products have different shelf lives. That means you can use certain items for a year or two and others for a few short months. It may not always seem fair but hey – that’s life! Before you get the rundown on the lifespan of your favourite bronzer, it’s important to understand why makeup products need to be thrown out. Over time, products change. You might find that the consistency is thicker, the colours have altered slightly, or the longevity of that 24-hour mascara is seriously lacking. This happens when the chemicals in the makeup start to break down, making application more difficult.

So, when should you move on? Generally speaking, when you find your products are changing in colour or consistency. Otherwise, there are a few general rules to follow. Your mascara should be thrown out after three months or so. Foundation and concealer are a year, powders (like mattifying powders, blushes, bronzers, and eye shadows) last for eighteen months, cream products for a year, eyeliners for a year, liquid liners for five months, and lip products for a year to eighteen months. 

Moving On: Brushes

There’s a reason you invested in a good set of makeup brushes. You love the soft, fluffy bristles and how perfectly they glide over your skin. Until they stop being fluffy…. and glide isn’t the word you would use to describe the feeling. It’s not just makeup that needs to be thrown out every now and again. Your brushes do, too. Unlike makeup, which tends to have a shorter shelf life, you can get years and years out of your brushes. Some last for one while others can last for five or more. It really depends on the quality of the brushes you purchase and the level of care you give them.

How can you tell when you need to say goodbye to your beloved brush collection? One clear sign is when they shed excessively. The odd bristle here or there isn’t a big deal…. but when it starts to happen more and more, look into your replacement options. Other signs include: bristles that feel stiff and hard, brushes that do not return to their original shape, sparse areas, and odours.

Moving On: Nail Polish

There is a common misconception that nail polish lasts forever. This is only kind of true. While a bottle of nail polish can last for a very long time, eventually it will dry out, become goopy, or the colour will thin. All of the shaking in the world won’t be able to make it right again! Despite the fact that there is no expiry date on nail polish, sometimes moving on is still a necessity.

Take a long hard look through your nail polish collection. Are there any bottles that have changed colour over the years? That look a little lackluster? Maybe that glitter polish is not quite as glittery as it used to be. Or it is evaporating and becoming hard to use? If that happens, toss it. You can always find a new nail polish to update your collection with.

Is it time to move on? You might adore the blush you’ve been rocking since your high school days…. and that foundation probably does match your skin colour perfectly…. but letting go is a must. Don’t be afraid to update your makeup collection. It’s a good thing!

If you need something to watch while you declutter your makeup collection or want to find out more about a potential Pastel Goth eyeshadow palette dupe, check out my latest YouTube video.

Have you done a makeup declutter lately?


  1. I admit I'm a makeup/nail polish hoarder!! I just hate to part with any of them. I did do a big purge this spring and though it was painful, it was definitely needed ;) Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. Oh my gosh, me too! Getting rid of stuff is so hard for me but it is a must sometimes. That is amazing that you were able to do a huge declutter. <3

  2. Great post! I hate when the makeup brushes stop being nice and soft!


  3. Great post!
    I don't wear make up yet,but I love using nail polish♥
    Check out my blog :) http://toskaonline.blogspot.com

    1. Nail polish is such a fun way to express yourself! I love all of the different colours.

  4. Love this post...The hardest thing for me to toss is nail polish--but I hate when it separates!
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

    1. Oh gosh, I hear you on that! It is so upsetting when your favourite colour starts to separate.

  5. Great post,i like it!

    My blog (na srpskom) - https://own-bloger.blogspot.com/

  6. ;D

    Bem bacana esse guia!

    Ótima quarta!

    Beijo! ^^

  7. Great times. I liked to use old make up and nail polish for DIY projects. That makes saying good bye to them easier. I typically stop using a nail polish as soon as I notice it's becoming dry.


    1. Oh my goodness, that is SO smart!! I love that idea.

  8. Such a bummer when the nail polishes dry out fast especially if it's your favorite color.


    1. It really is! Saying goodbye to an old favourite is always super tough.

  9. This is a really inspiring post because it is so hard for me to move on with my nail polish, haha! Great content <3


    1. Haha, I hear you on that! Nail polish colours are so easy to fall in love with.

  10. Very useful post! I've done a few makeup declutter and it's hard to say goodbye to those products, but if they're expired I just have to do it. Soon I'll have to do a new one ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. So true. It is always super tough to do but after a certain point, it becomes a necessity!


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