Monday, July 2, 2018

paris hilton perfume set review

I am no stranger to Paris Hilton products. Or Paris Hilton perfumes. Over the years, many different items have entered my life, from her cosmetics line to clothes, magazines, and everything in between. She is definitely someone I admire for both her style and business savvy. So, of course, as soon as I saw this massive Gold Rush fragrance set in New York City (at Century of my favourite places to shop), it simply had to come home with me. It included a full-sized bottle of her award winning perfume, an eyelash curler, a pair of false lashes with a gold glitter band, two nail polishes, a mascara, and a gold glitter lip gloss. How did it all perform? Was it worth the splurge? Here is everything you need to know about this oh-so-stunning set.

Review: Gold Rush Perfume Set

As I mentioned, this set has an awful lot inside. The main star is of course, the Gold Rush perfume. I actually already own this scent (and even reviewed it a while back) but it is a perfume that I reach for constantly. It just makes me feel confident and ready to take on the world! And with all of the extra Paris Hilton goodies included in this set, it made sense to add another bottle to my collection. 
  • Gold Rush Perfume. This scent is absolutely stunning. It is sophisticated, elegant, and an instant confidence booster. I love that it is suitable for both day and night....and there is that stunning bottle to consider as well. The shape is gorgeous and just adds to the overall beauty of this Paris Hilton perfume. 
  • Eyelash Curler. Okay, little confession here: I rarely, if ever, curl my eyelashes. I know, I know! In fact, I don't even know where my lash curler has gotten to. So, it is actually a good thing for me that a curler was included in this set. My goal is definitely to be more proactive about using it in the future! 
  • Gold and Gold Glitter Nail Polish. You can never go wrong with a little nail polish. Over the last little while, I have actually been able to try out a few different Paris Hilton polishes and they've all performed really well. These are just as gorgeous. The gold is a light colour with a stunning metallic finish and the glitter polish has large chunks of different gold coloured glitters. Both are stunning and work well to create a cohesive look....
  • Paris Hilton Mascara. Out of all the items in the Paris Hilton Cosmetics line, I've never managed to come across a mascara. Which made me extra excited to find one in this set. It performs well, adds lots of length, and doesn't flake. I also really like that the mascara wand is flexible, which makes it easier to maneuver the wand into the inner corner and really coat the lower lashes. I am definitely enjoying this...but wish it were easier to find another tube! 
  • Gold Glitter Lip Gloss. Paris lip products are mostly impressive but there have been a few misses for me (as mentioned here with the holographic glosses). So, I wasn't sure how this gold glitter gloss would perform. However, I was really impressed! There isn't a ton of pigmentation but the gold finish is absolutely stunning. Plus, the formula is smooth and comfortable on the lips. Needless to say, I am really loving this gloss. 
  • False Eyelashes. It is always nice to have a gorgeous new pair of falsies floating around. This pair in particular is natural looking but still has a hint of glamour. These are long and fluttery - and have a sparkly gold band along the lash line. This was a really clever way of incorporating the gold theme into the lashes as well.
Was this set worth the splurge? Absolutely! The perfume itself is wonderful and all of the additional items were stellar. Out of everything, I think I loved the nail polishes the best. They look wonderful and only required one coat to create a seriously stunning look. 

Are you a fan of Paris Hilton perfumes? 

Editing Note: Since Paris Hilton has decided to publicly support an abusive man, her products will no longer be reviewed on Mansa Fashion. All previous reviews will remain, but no new content will be shared. 


  1. This set sounds great, Shannon! I've never tried her perfumes but I've smelled one when I was in Shoppers and did like it. That mascara sounds great but too bad it's not easy to find:( Thanks for the review anyhoo, and hope you had a lovely Canada Day!

    1. Her perfumes always smell so good! Thank you so much for your lovely comment. Hope your Canada Day was wonderful as well :)

  2. It sounds like such a fabulous set!! I've never used her perfumes or products but you've convinced me to give them a try!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    July Bresser
    A Mermaid's Crafts

    1. They are well worth a try! Plus, the price tag is usually pretty reasonable for any of her products. Thank you so much for your comment!

  3. Replies
    1. It really is! I was super happy with it. Thank you for visiting!

  4. The whole packaging looks luxury and so beautiful :) I have never tried a perfume from Paris Hilton but I saw some of them :)


    1. That's what I really loved about this set. Everything was so lovely and had a luxurious feel even though the price tag was quite affordable. It's nice when that happens!

  5. Gold nail polish is my favorite one! Perfect for any festive event <3


  6. Adoro il pack così lussuoso e perfetto in ogni dettaglio ❤️

  7. That set seems great, looks very attractive *_*
    Would you like us to follow each other ? Let me know:

  8. It seems a complete set, the nail polish is lovely ^^

    Freak Muffin Blog

    1. It has a little bit of everything, which I love! :)

  9. Looks great. I would like to try it.

  10. I've never tried a Paris Hilton perfume but this sounds absolutely divine, and even the packaging is lovely. It is so great that you get so much in this set too, as you say, it is always nice having an eyelash curler and some lovely lashes around! Thanks for sharing, the set looks great x

    FloralsAndCoralsx/Our Blog

    1. For sure! You can never go wrong with staples like a lash curler. It was definitely a great set to try out :)

  11. Great post! Love the parfume package. And your nails so good.

    By the way follw your blog anymore and waiting your visit :)

    1. The packaging is so gorgeous! Thank you for the support. I appreciate it!

  12. wow shannon thi sis like a real gold mine!!!

  13. Replies
    1. It is such a great one! Thank you for reading :)

  14. I'm not a fan of perfume generally so I can't help but comment on your wonderful golden nails! So chic!


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