Sunday, July 29, 2018

self-tanning tips for summer worthy skin

The summer months are always exciting. Just think about it: there’s endless sunshine to enjoy, plenty of killer concerts, and more social gatherings than you can possibly keep up with. There are a couple of drawbacks, though…. like sunburns and orange skin. This year, ditch the greasy suntan oil and that cheap spray on tan. Get glowy instead with these self-tanning tips. Summer worthy skin is in your future.

Always Start Small 

Many of us like to go a few shades darker in the summertime. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to make that happen in a way that looks good and is safe to do. You should never lie out and bake in the sun all day. Not only is that bad for your skin but it can also increase your risk of developing skin cancer or sun spots. The same can be said for tanning beds. The best solution is to fake it instead of putting your health and well being on the line.

Over the years, self-tanner has gotten a bad rep, and it’s all thanks to those oompa loompa-esque tans you’ve seen people sporting time and time again. There’s a reason this happens. When there is too much DHA (dihydroxyacetone, a sugar that makes the top layer of skin deepen in colour) in a tanning product, it can cause your skin to turn orange. In these cases, the product itself may have a little too much DHA or it could mean that you applied more of the product than your skin could properly absorb. The solution is to start small. 

Whenever you’re trying a new tanning product (whether it is a gradual tanner like the Jergens Natural Glow Daily Moisturizer, a liquid, cream, mousse, or spray) do a test spot first. Pick somewhere that won’t be easily visible, like your foot or upper thigh. Then apply the product as directed and wait a full 24 hours. This will give you an idea of how the self-tanner interacts with your skin type. Another option? Look for tanners that have lower levels of DHA.

Get Your Skin Ready To Tan

Want gorgeous skin this summer? Then avoid this rookie tanning mistake. Never grab your self-tanner and apply it straight to the skin. That can lead to embarrassing streaks and ugly dry patches, which is definitely not what you want. The key to a gorgeous summer worthy tan is taking the time to prepare your skin first.

Exfoliating and tanning go hand in hand. This process removes any dead skin cells and ensures that your tan always looks smooth, even, and beautiful. Plus, it will help your colour last longer. Head to your local drugstore or beauty supply shop for a good exfoliator. For the best results, you'll want to keep an eye out for a product that is gentle (something with small beads is ideal) and oil free. You’ll want to exfoliate your entire body before you tan. Then, to finish off the prep work, grab your favourite moisturizer. Apply it to the elbows, hands, feet, knees, and ankles. Why? These areas tend to be a little drier and therefore are more likely to pick up extra colour. By adding in some moisture first, your tan will appear nice and even.

Put Your Back Into It

Self-tanning is great, but it can be challenging to cover your entire body with colour. Just think about your back, for example. You can only reach so far, right? Before you contemplate spending your summer as a hermit, relax. There are a few solutions to this problem. If you feel comfortable, you can always ask a friend or family member to help you finish off your tan. Otherwise, you can use a tanner that comes in an aerosol can for any spots you can’t reach. The spray can will make it easier to get to areas like your back because the product travels. Simply spray it like you would a perfume and step backwards. You can also use a tanning mitt for hard to reach areas. Since they are larger than your own hand, they can help the colour spread further.

More Self-Tanning Tips

  • Don’t apply your tanner from the top down. You want to start from the bottom of your body and work up as you go. That way you won’t have to worry about creasing the colour while it dries.
  • Have you found that certain areas are darker than others? That’s okay! Acne scars and sun spots tend to pick up more pigment. Take a Q-Tip or a dry hand towel and buff the area gently to lessen the colour.
  • Most tanning products need time for the colour to develop. So, avoid taking a shower or working out for at least eight hours post-application. One idea is to tan a couple of hours before you go to bed. (Just be sure to wear PJs you don’t mind getting colour on!)
  • Want a natural glow and only a natural glow? Stick to a gradual tanner or add a bit of lotion to your self-tanning product to lessen the intensity of the colour.
  • If you don’t have time to wait for your tan to dry, you can speed things up by grabbing your hair dryer. Turn it to the cool setting and point it at any sticky or slow drying areas.
  • Three or four days after your tan, you will need to exfoliate once again. Since some products can be drying on the skin, it can cause cracking, peeling, or rough spots. So, always exfoliate gently in between applications.

Self-tanning doesn’t have to be complicated. It just takes a bit of practice to get it right. For healthy, glowing skin this summer, put these tips to work. You’ll look gorgeous wherever you go.

Do you have any tanning tips? Share them in the comment section!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much! Hope you had a great weekend :)

  2. This is really a great post. It can be hard to get the right products. This was very helpful :)

    1. It really can be! So glad you found it helpful :)

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, there are a lot of really great ones to choose from!

  4. Nice post

  5. Great, thanks for the update. And so good inspirations!

    Kisses from
    Jessica Blanton's City

  6. Such a great thing!

    Alessa Bernal

  7. oh wow! I will follow your suggestions and tips so I might buy one!
    have a lovely day my dear friend... and if we do not follow yet our socials here I live you mine...
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    1. Oh wonderful! If you do purchase a tanning product, I hope it works out well for you. <3

  8. I love how you give real advice, and also, addressing the issue of oompa loompas with orange skins, that's made me scared of self tan unfortunately x)

    1. Oh my gosh, that is what scared me away from tanners for the longest time. But I've learned through trial and error how to avoid those issues!

  9. I'm not a fan of tan on me but it sure looks great with some people! Great tips though

  10. Very interesting post and I like all photos... kisses

  11. Fake tan is certainly the only way to go! Thanks for these tips, Shannon. I used to use self-tanner a lot back in the day but don't anymore. I didn't do most of these steps so my application was patchy sometimes....sigh....
    Have a great Tuesday:)

    1. Patchy application is something I have struggled with in the past. Thankfully, trial and error helped me figure out how to avoid those issues. Now, I don't have to worry about it. Phew!

  12. Great post dear, your blog is perfect :)
    I follow your blog #1462 so If you want you can follow my blog back

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    1. Thank you so much for the support! Following you back :)

  13. I've never tried a tanner or tanning product of any kind, but I'm warming up to it.

    1. Nice! If you end up trying one this summer, definitely let me know how it worked out for you :)

  14. Nice
    Besos desde


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